Windsor Historical Society finally elects first Black President after 102 years.

Society taking steps towards greater inclusion, a momentous event in history.

July 18th 2023.

Windsor Historical Society finally elects first Black President after 102 years.
On June 12, 2023, Randy McKenney from Connecticut was appointed president of the Windsor Historical Society, marking a major milestone in the Society's 102-year history. CT Insider reported that McKenney had been involved with the Society for the past three years, and had been a resident of Windsor for nearly 30 years.

McKenney expressed his excitement for his new position, noting that he had been an active part of the community and was looking forward to being a part of the Historical Society's leadership. Douglas Shipman, Executive Director of the Society, praised McKenney for his interest in Windsor's history and his efforts to diversify the Society's membership.

McKenney made a point of increasing the number of people of color in positions of power in the Historical Society, and was also a member of the Town Council for 10 years. In December of 2022, the Society selected two students to join the board of directors to represent the interests of Windsor's youth.

Currently, the board of the Historical Society is made up of 47% people of color, which is just below the population of Windsor, which is 52% people of color. Shipman has made it his goal to ensure that the members of the community can see themselves reflected in their shared history. To achieve this, he is focusing on increasing inclusivity and recruiting more diverse members, staff, and volunteers.

McKenney, Shipman, and the Historical Society have made great strides in increasing diversity and inclusivity. The appointment of McKenney as the first Black president in 102 years is a significant historical moment, and sets a strong example for the Society's future.

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