Girl critically ill after contracting bacteria at Christmas market; fight for life ongoing.

Jemima started a fundraiser to help her sister Antonia, 17, who got sick after going to a Christmas market last month.

December 28th 2023.

Girl critically ill after contracting bacteria at Christmas market; fight for life ongoing.
Jemima Hay has started a fundraising page for her 17-year-old sister Antonia in the wake of a terrible situation. Antonia had recently visited a Christmas market in Buckinghamshire when she contracted a rare condition, believed to be from food poisoning.

Jemima's post on the page paints a heartbreaking picture of her sister's ordeal. She explains how Antonia has been through multiple surgeries and procedures before it was diagnosed that she had STEC-HUS, caused by e-coli O157, and her kidneys were failing. Despite all of this, Antonia has remained determined and strong, trying to make everyone else around her laugh and not focusing on her own pain.

With the help of donations from friends, family, and other members of the community, Antonia was able to spend Christmas Day at home with her family. However, she had to return to the hospital for more treatment on Boxing Day. Jemima's post goes on to say how Antonia is an incredibly kind and caring person, who lights up any room she enters.

The fundraiser has so far raised over £7,000 and all of the money will go towards helping Antonia with her ongoing treatments, recovery, and expenses, including allowing her to still pursue her performing arts dreams. The family are incredibly grateful for the support they have received and can't thank everyone enough.

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