White woman in Florida found guilty of manslaughter for shooting and killing her Black neighbor.

The state attorney for the Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida, Bill Gladson, did not charge Lorincz with murder due to insufficient evidence meeting the higher burden of proof.

August 17th 2024.

White woman in Florida found guilty of manslaughter for shooting and killing her Black neighbor.
Susan Lorincz, a 60-year-old woman from Marion County, Florida, was recently found guilty of manslaughter by a jury on August 16. The incident in question took place in Ocala, where Lorincz shot and killed her neighbor, Ajike Owens. The New York Times reported on the case, highlighting the tension between the two women and the tragic outcome of their dispute. Lorincz, who is white, shot Owens, a Black woman, after a confrontation at her front door. The argument had started when Lorincz had an altercation with Owens' children, and things quickly escalated to a fatal level.

After approximately two hours of deliberation, the all-white jury reached a guilty verdict, as reported by the Associated Press. Owens' mother, Pamela Dias, expressed her relief and gratitude for the jury's decision. She said, "I am very pleased with the jury, the prosecution, the verdict...I find some peace with that verdict. I feel that although my daughter is gone forever, the children's mom is gone forever, we've achieved some justice for Ajike. My heart is a little lighter, and we're now on the path to healing."

The case gained national attention due to the delay in Lorincz's arrest and her legal team's use of Florida's "stand your ground" laws in her defense. The prosecution faced criticism for not charging Lorincz with a higher degree of murder, as advocated by the family and their attorney, civil rights lawyer Benjamin Crump. The New York Times also reported that Crump and other attorneys claimed Lorincz had used racial slurs towards Owens' children.

An affidavit filed after Lorincz's arrest revealed that she had admitted to using racial slurs towards the children before shooting their mother. However, State Attorney Bill Gladson declined to charge her with murder due to insufficient evidence. In a statement, Gladson said, "I am aware of the desire of the family, and some community members, that the defendant be charged with second-degree murder. However, I cannot allow any decision to be influenced by public sentiment, angry phone calls, or further threats of violence, as I have received in this case."

Gladson also explained that second-degree murder requires evidence of hatred, spite, ill will, or evil intent towards the victim. This evidence was not present in the case, leading to the decision to charge Lorincz with manslaughter instead. During the trial, State Prosecutor Rich Buxman argued that Owens' shooting was not an accident but an intentional act. He told the jurors, "She pointed a loaded firearm towards a door, towards a person that she knew was there on the opposite side of the door, and intentionally pulled the trigger. That shows a reckless disregard for human life."

CNN reported that Crump released a statement on behalf of the family, expressing their gratitude for the guilty verdict. He said, "AJ Owens was a devoted mother whose life was tragically cut short, leaving her children, including a young son who witnessed this horrific act, to carry the burden of her loss. While nothing can erase the pain they've endured, today's decision sends a clear message that senseless violence will be met with accountability."

The family of Ajike Owens has been hoping for justice since the beginning of this trial, as reported in previous articles. Their hopes have been met with the guilty verdict, but nothing can bring back the life of their beloved mother and sister. They can only hope that this decision will bring some closure and a sense of justice for the loss they have suffered.

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