Using creative strategies to outsmart competitors and gain an edge in the market.

Guerrilla marketing uses creative, low-cost tactics to maximize engagement with target audiences. Learn how to take advantage of its benefits, navigate challenges, and put strategies into action.

March 20th 2023.

Using creative strategies to outsmart competitors and gain an edge in the market.

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Guerrilla marketing is a type of unconventional marketing tactic used to promote a product, service, or concept in a creative and engaging manner, often using minimal or no-cost strategies. The term was coined by Jay Conrad Levinson in his book Guerrilla Marketing, 4th Edition: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business. Guerrilla marketing is characterized by its unconventionality, low-cost nature, creativity, and focus on the audience. Digital examples of guerrilla marketing include hashtag campaigns, viral videos, and interactive content, while physical examples include street art, flash mobs, and pop-up events. By employing these tactics, businesses can break through the noise in a crowded marketplace, build brand awareness, and create meaningful relationships with their customers.

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Guerrilla marketing refers to unconventional marketing tactics utilized to market a product, service, or concept in a creative and captivating manner. The aim of this method is to draw the attention of prospective customers in a memorable and powerful way, generally using low-cost or no-cost strategies.

This marketing strategy has its origins in the untraditional tactics employed by small, flexible groups in guerrilla warfare to outwit larger, more conventional armies. The term "Guerrilla Marketing" was coined by Jay Conrad Levinson in his 1984 book Guerrilla Marketing, 4th Edition: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business. The concept has since evolved to encompass various imaginative and non-traditional marketing techniques.

Given the crowded and competitive present-day marketplace, it is difficult for businesses to distinguish themselves and get noticed. Guerrilla marketing offers a unique and efficient way to break through the noise and capture the attention of potential customers. Through utilizing creative and engaging tactics that are unexpected and memorable, businesses can generate excitement and interest in their brand.

Characteristics of Guerrilla Marketing

Unconventional - A standout characteristic of guerrilla marketing is its unconventional nature. It bypasses conventional marketing tactics in favor of unique and unexpected methods that grab the audience's attention and make a lasting impression. These tactics may include anything from flash mobs and pop-up events to street art and viral videos.

Low-cost - Guerrilla marketing is also known for being low-cost. It does not require the vast budgets of traditional marketing campaigns and typically depends on ingenuity and resourcefulness. Businesses can generate buzz and engagement around their brand using low-cost tactics without spending a fortune.

Creative - Creativity is an essential element of guerrilla marketing. As the tactics used are unconventional, they must be creative and engaging enough to capture the audience's attention and leave a lasting impression. Successful guerrilla marketing campaigns often involve a high degree of creativity, from viral videos to interactive installations.

Focuses on the audience - Another essential characteristic of guerrilla marketing is its focus on the audience. Rather than pushing a message or product onto people, guerrilla marketing seeks to engage with them in a way that feels genuine and meaningful. This approach fosters a sense of connection and loyalty between the audience and the brand, which can be invaluable in creating long-term customer relationships.

Examples of guerrilla marketing

Digital examples -

Digital examples of guerrilla marketing utilize online platforms to reach a wider audience and create engaging content. Viral videos, designed to be shared widely on social media and other digital channels, can help businesses reach new audiences and generate buzz. Social media campaigns, such as hashtags and user-generated content, can also build brand recognition and encourage engagement. Lastly, interactive content, such as quizzes and games, can create a more immersive and engaging experience for your audience.

#Hashtag your marketing

Using concise and catchy #hashtags on social media campaigns is an ideal example of digital guerrilla marketing, which helps businesses connect with their audience and spark enthusiasm. Such campaigns involve producing content for social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and can involve various strategies such as contests and partnerships with influencers.

A few examples of #hashtags that went viral:

#IceBucketChallenge went viral in 2014 and assisted in raising millions of dollars for ALS research.

#NotToday is a powerful and catchy hashtag that was used in 2014 by activists and advocates for women's rights to raise awareness of violence against women and girls, particularly sexual violence. The hashtag was used to express solidarity with survivors and to encourage people to take action to prevent violence.

#MeToo became a viral hashtag in 2017 and was used by people to share their personal experiences of sexual harassment and assault, raising awareness of the issue and sparking a global conversation.

#mompreneur is popular among mom-owned small businesses on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter. It is used to connect with others and promote their products and services. The hashtag has grown into a community for mompreneurs to network, share advice, and showcase their businesses.

#buylocal gained popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic as people showed support for struggling small businesses by encouraging others to shop locally. The hashtag helped businesses connect with their communities and promote the importance of supporting local economies. It is now widely recognized as a way to promote small businesses.

By doing so, businesses can extend their reach and establish a community centered around their brand. Whether it is to promote a cause or provide amusement, these marketing tactics aim to cultivate a long-term and valuable relationship with your audience to turn them into loyal customers.

Viral videos -

Viral videos are a practical example of digital guerrilla marketing that can help businesses reach new audiences and generate buzz. These videos are designed to be shareable on social media and other digital channels and often feature humorous or emotional content that resonates with the audience. By creating a viral video, businesses can reach a wider audience than they would with traditional advertising and can often do so at a lower cost.

Viral videos can be used to promote a product or service. Still, they can raise awareness for a cause or entertain your audience. By using viral videos as a marketing tactic, businesses can tap into the power of social media to create a memorable and engaging experience for their audience.

According to, 87% of marketers say that video has a direct, positive impact on sales. This is an all-time high looking at Wyzowl's annual video marketing statistics.

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Are you interested in trying video marketing and creating viral videos? Here are some Insider Tips for Creating Viral TikTok Videos.

Interactive content -

Interactive content is a brilliant example of digital guerrilla marketing that can help businesses engage with their audience uniquely and memorably. Interactive content includes activities requiring the audience to participate actively, such as quizzes, polls, games, and augmented reality experiences. By creating interactive content, businesses can make a more immersive and personalized experience for their audience, increasing engagement and brand loyalty.

Interactive content can also be used to collect valuable data about your audience, such as their preferences and behaviors, which can be used to inform future marketing efforts. By using interactive content as a marketing tactic, businesses can create a memorable and engaging experience for their audience while achieving their marketing goals. outlines the most effective stage in the buyer's journey for each type of interactive content used in content marketing. Based on that, we created a graph of the type of interactive content that is most effective for brand awareness.

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Physical examples -

Physical examples of guerrilla marketing involve real-world, tangible tactics that capture people's

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