Twitter is ending its verification program & will no longer grant verified status to legacy accounts.

Pay the money, Elon.

March 24th 2023.

Twitter is ending its verification program & will no longer grant verified status to legacy accounts.
Elon Musk is determined to recoup his investment and so on April 1st, Twitter users who were once verified and presently have blue checkmarks verifying their identity must register for the paid Twitter Blue service to remain authenticated. This follows after warnings from both Musk and Twitter’s official accounts for months, and will now be implemented. Under the previous free program, individuals considered noteworthy such as celebrities, journalists, officials, etc. could request verification. The $8-per-month subscription service, Twitter Blue, was harshly criticized after its launch last year due to the number of accounts deceitfully impersonating others. The service was paused but relaunched in December 2022.

Twitter Blue does not necessitate users to be renowned or related to distinguished organizations or brands. The only criteria for the service are that accounts must be more than 90 days old, non-deceptive, and active. This change may not be as quick or comprehensive as initially thought, with Musk elucidating via Twitter that users associated with

a verified organization would maintain their checkmarks. Twitter Blue will also permit users to alter tweets, categorize and bookmark tweets, personalize the display of their Twitter app icon and Twitter page, and even individualize their profiles to include NFTs. The new features available to subscribers encompass an “undo tweet” button allowing you to withdraw a tweet after you send it but before other Twitter users see it.

And the 280-character limit? Blue users will be able to write 4,000-character tweets. Twitter will also begin presenting different colored checkmarks to differentiate between types of accounts. Gold will signify businesses or corporations, gray will represent government organizations and officials, an affiliation badge for accounts linked to an organization on Twitter, and a badge for state-run media companies and individuals who are part of them. Twitter will automatically add these badges.

Well, OK then, Twitter!

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