The Ida B. Wells Textbook Fund helps students at HBCUs by providing financial assistance for textbooks.

Patton stressed the high demand for the resource and believes that with additional support, more students can get the necessary tools for a successful school year.

August 9th 2024.

The Ida B. Wells Textbook Fund helps students at HBCUs by providing financial assistance for textbooks.
The Ida B. Wells Textbook Fund is a special resource designed to support HBCU students as they continue their academic journeys. This amazing initiative is back for another year, ready to address the needs of students as they progress through school.

It all began in 2016, with the initial goal of easing the financial burden of rising textbook costs. You see, many students at HBCUs already face challenges such as food and housing insecurity, despite receiving financial aid to pursue their education. The fund was created to provide direct support to these students, recognizing that their ability to complete their coursework should not be hindered by their financial status. After all, HBCUs are home to extraordinary Black minds, and their potential should not be limited by financial constraints.

As young academics, students often have to deal with various challenges, from health issues to family responsibilities, while striving to obtain a degree. The Ida B. Wells Textbook Fund not only provides financial aid, but also promotes outreach and awareness to uplift individuals and recognize their determination to improve their lives. This commitment has resulted in raising over $200,000 so far.

For the upcoming semester, the fund has set a goal of raising $25,000 to cover textbook fees for 70 students at Morgan State and Howard University. Students can apply for the funding by filling out a form, and it is distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. The maximum amount a student can receive is $250. However, the fund understands that student needs go beyond just textbooks, and the money can also be used for course software, wi-fi hotspots, and digital equipment.

The demand for this fund is immense, and with more support, more students can have access to the tools they need for a successful school year. The fund relies on contributions from the community to continue its important work, as each semester requires new funds to support students.

Currently, the fund is less than $10,000 away from its goal. If you believe in supporting Black education, please consider contributing to the Ida B. Wells Textbook Fund. Its founder, Dr. Stacey Patton, a professor at Morgan State, hopes to make a lasting impact on the lives of Black students, creating generational progress. As she puts it, "By investing in our young individuals today, we are investing in a brighter future for us all."

So, keep an eye out for the activation of the textbook fund and consider making a contribution. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of HBCU students and honor the legacy of the late Atlanta anchor, Jovita Moore, with the HBCU Scholarship in her name.

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