Substitute teacher and student in NC charged after fight in classroom caught on video.

Student confronts sub teacher over phone and refuses to back down; teacher stands firm.

April 20th 2023.

Substitute teacher and student in NC charged after fight in classroom caught on video.
The altercation between a substitute teacher and student at a Rocky Mount High School in North Carolina has gone viral on social media, sparking a debate about the incident. Xaviera Steele and the student have both been charged with simple assault, and the school system has launched an investigation into Steele’s employment. Social media users have shared mixed reactions, but the incident highlights the potential for harsher penalties for assaults against school staff. North Carolina lawmakers are currently considering passing a new bill, HB534, to enforce stricter consequences for repeat offenders.

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As this conversation unfolds, it is important to recognize the need for improved safety in schools and that there should be consequences for anyone who puts the safety of staff and students at risk.

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