9-year-old Paris created the Paris Cares Foundation to provide meals for the needy in St. Louis.

No matter your size, you can still make a big difference.

April 20th 2023.

9-year-old Paris created the Paris Cares Foundation to provide meals for the needy in St. Louis.
At just nine years old, Paris Williams is making a big impact in her community and beyond! Inspired by the book One Boy's Magic, Paris has been working with her family to establish the Paris Cares Foundation and provide for the needy in St. Louis. To date, she has distributed 10,000 meals and 5,000 care packages to homeless shelters and people in the downtown area. She even draws pictures and writes messages on the bags to make sure each recipient feels special. Paris's family is incredibly proud of her, and she has big ambitions to expand her resources and help more people beyond St. Louis. We can't wait to see what Paris will do next!

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