November 2023 tarot horoscope for your zodiac sign: gain insight into what the month holds.

Prepare for a fresh start!

October 28th 2023.

November 2023 tarot horoscope for your zodiac sign: gain insight into what the month holds.
September 24 to October 23
Libra, you have a lot of energy this month
Tarot cards for Libra for November: Ace of Wands, Five of Cups, Page of Swords
Meaning: Exciting changes
You have a lot of energy and enthusiasm this month, and you’re ready to take on any challenge with a zest and zeal that is contagious. The Ace of Wands is the ultimate ‘go-getter’ card and it is here to show you that you have the power, passion, enthusiasm, and courage to make something special happen.
The Five of Cups shows that something has been lost, maybe a friendship, a family member, a pastime, a habit, a job, or something else. It’s gone. You can’t bring it back. The Page of Swords shows that you need to use the intellectual part of your brain to accept this loss, analyse it, and move on with a plan to replace it with something better.
You have the energy and enthusiasm to make something amazing happen this month, Libra, so use it, and don’t look back.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra

November is here and it's bringing a lot of changes! Get ready for a New Moon and Venus in Scorpio, which means things could get intense in love and social interactions. Thankfully, Mercury, Mars and Neptune are all turning direct, which will help reduce blocks around negotiations, energy levels and inspiration.
Plus, Sagittarius season starts on November 21, so you can look forward to broadening your horizons and exploring new possibilities.
To help you make the most of this month, here's a tarot horoscope for each sign.
March 21 to April 20
Aries, you're powering forward this November! The Star, The Chariot, and the Queen of Wands are bold, proactive and confident cards that will help you make a wish and take steps to make it come true.
You should also be open-minded and experimental to take advantage of the many emerging opportunities around you. It's a great month to broaden your horizons and strike out for a new territory or scene.
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries

April 21 to May 21
Taurus, it's time to take the wheel this month and tackle both the problems and possibilities. The Queen of Coins will help you be practical, analytical, confident and ruthless.
The Nine of Wands will also remind you that the problems you face are not as onerous as you think. You've got this! The Page of Wands invites you to be open-minded and experimental.
Say yes, have a go, try it, spin the wheel, throw the dice. Nothing to lose, right?
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus

May 22 to June 21
Gemini, it's time to become the person you've been working towards being! The Nine of Coins shows that this has been on your mind for a while and this is the turning point towards a new identity.
The Ten of Wands invites you to let go of all the bad habits, baggage and burdens that don't serve you. And then, the Six of Cups asks you to reunite and rekindle with the simple pleasures, pastimes and places you loved as a child.
You are healing, growing, and changing for the better.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini

June 22 to July 23
Cancer, now is the time to build on the lessons you learned from the past to move forward into a brighter future. The King and Queen of Swords will help you be dispassionate, cool-headed, rational, strong and wise in all of your dealings.
The Five of Coins shows an old echo or war wound bothering you. No matter, because you can handle it and you can learn from it now.
Face these old demons and collect your rewards.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer

July 24 to August 23
Leo, success is on the cards! The World and Wheel of Fortune are both transformative major arcana cards that will help you get to your better future.
The Six of Wands asks you to focus on your core strengths, talents, passions and interests. It's impossible to thrive in places you're not comfortable or motivated in. Build on your successes, and success begets success.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo

August 24 to September 23
Things in love are looking up for Virgos! The Hanged Man, Two of Cups, and Death are all hinting at a relationship that will rekindle and regain its former glory.
The Hanged Man shows the limbo you've been in, and Death shows that the phase of this relationship you were in has ended. The Two of Cups has you back in love, on track, and talking about the future.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo

September 24 to October 23
Libra, you have a lot of energy and enthusiasm this month! The Ace of Wands is the ultimate 'go-getter' card and will help you make something special happen.
The Five of Cups shows something has been lost, but the Page of Swords will help you use the intellectual part of your brain to accept this loss and move on.
You have the energy and enthusiasm to make something amazing happen this month, so use it and don't look back.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra.
September 24 to October 23
Bring your best self
Tarot cards for Libra for November: The Hermit, The Lovers, Four of Swords
Meaning: Self-development
November is the month for you to be the very best version of yourself, Libra! The Hermit and Four of Swords show a period of taking stock, reflecting, evaluations, and assessing what you want, need and deserve. You’re coming face to face with yourself and understanding what you need to do to reach your highest potential.
The Lovers is the ultimate card of relationship – with yourself. You are in love with yourself. You are the one you need, you are the one you must focus on. It’s your turn to get to know everything about you, and to make changes that suit you.
The Four of Swords is a card of peace, which is what you’ll find when you take this time out for yourself. You’ll find you’re not alone in the world, you are connected to a much bigger energy, and you are part of something so much bigger than just you.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra

November is here! This month brings a new moon and Venus in Scorpio, giving us an intense energy in love and social interactions. But, thankfully, Mercury, Mars, and Neptune turning direct will help us negotiate, feel energized, and find inspiration. Plus, the start of Sagittarius season on November 21st will broaden our horizons.

To give us a better idea of what November has in store for us, here is a tarot horoscope for each star sign.

March 21 to April 20

Aries, get ready for a busy month! The Star, The Chariot, and the Queen of Wands indicate that you are going to be bold and proactive. Aim high and watch as what you wish for comes true. Plus, you may be looking to broaden your horizons with new journeys, holidays, or trips. Embrace the chance to explore and discover new opportunities!
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries.

April 21 to May 21

This month, Taurus, don't overthink things. The Page of Wands, Queen of Coins, and Nine of Wands suggest that you take charge of the situation and focus on your problems and possibilities. You have the strength and courage to make it through, and don't forget to be open-minded and experimental. You never know what exciting things may come your way.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus.

May 22 to June 21

Gemini, it's time to become the person you've been working towards. The Nine of Coins, Ten of Wands, and Six of Cups all point to a transformation. Let go of the baggage that doesn't serve you and open yourself up to new hobbies, people, and pastimes. You are healing, growing, and changing for the better!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini.

June 22 to July 23

Cancer, use your mind to move forward into a brighter future. The King and Queen of Swords will guide you through the month, helping you stay strong and wise. You'll be able to learn from the experiences of your past and use them to create a better future for yourself.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer.

July 24 to August 23

Leo, it's your lucky month! The World and Wheel of Fortune indicate that unseen forces are at work to bring you success. Focus on your core strengths, talents, and passions and success will come your way. Celebrate your accomplishments and take the opportunity to go on a roll!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo.

August 24 to September 23

Virgo, it looks like things in love are looking up. The Hanged Man, Two of Cups, and Death suggest a rekindling of a relationship that has been strained or broken. Let go of the past and open yourself up to new beginnings.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo.

September 24 to October 23

Libra, bring your best self this month. The Hermit, The Lovers, and Four of Swords suggest that it's time to take stock and assess your wants and needs. Take this time to get to know yourself and make changes that suit you. You'll find peace and connection with yourself and the world.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra.

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