What is the duration of alcohol in your system and is there a method to become sober faster?

Remember this if you get hangovers often.

June 27th 2024.

What is the duration of alcohol in your system and is there a method to become sober faster?
The effects of alcohol are well-known to us all - they can hit you almost instantly and linger for days. However, understanding how long alcohol actually stays in your system is crucial for staying safe while drinking. This knowledge can help you make sure that all traces of alcohol have left your body, so you can safely drive or manage its impact on your sleep and health.

While everyone's body reacts differently to alcohol, the process of eliminating it involves various bodily functions, primarily metabolism in the liver. According to Ian Budd, a pharmacist at Chemist4U, alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream through the stomach and small intestine after consumption. The liver then metabolizes about 90% of alcohol using enzymes like alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase. This process converts alcohol into acetaldehyde, then to acetic acid, and eventually to carbon dioxide and water, which are then expelled from the body.

Ian explains that a small percentage of alcohol is also eliminated through urine, sweat, and breath. While this may sound complicated, determining the time it takes for alcohol to leave your system is more of a numbers game. The question of how long alcohol stays in your body can be answered by understanding how fast your liver can break down alcohol into other compounds.

According to Ian, the liver can process one standard drink per hour. He defines a standard drink as containing approximately 10 grams of pure alcohol, which is equivalent to a small glass of wine, half a pint of beer, or a single measure of spirits. Therefore, one shot of alcohol can be metabolized in about an hour. However, this can vary from person to person, depending on factors such as body weight, age, and sex.

Ian notes that individuals with a higher body weight tend to metabolize alcohol faster due to a larger volume of distribution in the body. On the other hand, age and sex can slow down metabolism, with women typically metabolizing alcohol slower than men due to differences in body composition and enzyme activity. However, even after alcohol has been metabolized, its effects can still linger. According to Ian, multiple drinks can still pose a significant risk of impairment, even if one drink per hour has been metabolized.

That's why alternating alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks on a night out, also known as "zebra striping," can be beneficial. As Ian previously told Metro, drinking water in between alcoholic beverages gives your liver more time to process the alcohol, resulting in a lower peak blood alcohol concentration. This can reduce the immediate effects of alcohol, such as impaired cognitive function, coordination, and judgment.

But just because alcohol has been metabolized doesn't mean it has completely left your system. It can still be detected, either as alcohol itself or as byproducts of alcohol. This means that you may still fail a breathalyzer test several hours after drinking. Urine tests can detect alcohol metabolites for up to 48 hours, while hair tests can cover an even more extended period, potentially up to 90 days. However, they are more likely to indicate patterns of chronic alcohol use rather than recent drinking.

If you're looking to clear alcohol from your system quickly, the only surefire way is to avoid drinking altogether. While there are many rumors and old wives' tales about how to get rid of alcohol faster, Ian stresses that there is no scientifically proven method to significantly speed up the process of alcohol clearance from the body. Drinking coffee, taking cold showers, or engaging in physical exercise may be popular methods, but they do not increase the rate of alcohol metabolism.

Ian points out that the most effective way to allow your body to clear alcohol is simply time. Staying hydrated, eating nutritious food, and getting enough rest can support overall health, but they do not hasten the elimination of alcohol from the body. So, the next time you're out drinking, remember to pace yourself and stay hydrated to give your body enough time to process the alcohol and ensure your safety. And if you have a story to share about your experience with alcohol, we would love to hear it. Get in touch by emailing us at [email address].

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