Need to be an active citizen in India

There are many ways to be an active citizen, and we will touch on a few of them here. One way is by voting. It is the most direct way for citizens to have a say in their country's democracy and make sure that their voice is heard. Another way to be an active citizen is by contacting your representatives when you want them to vote on something that you care about. You can do this by going online and filling out a form or sending them a letter with your thoughts and opinions on the issue at hand.

The Indian Constitution is the longest-written constitution in the world. It is a document of great importance and its provisions are very important to be aware of if one wants to be an active citizen. The Indian Constitution contains many provisions that protect the rights and freedoms of citizens. It also provides for various levels of government and its powers to ensure that all citizens are treated equally.

It has a set of Directive Principles that lay down the goal for achieving social, economic, and political justice in India. These principles have been drawn up as broad guidelines and not as specific instructions so that they can be realized in a manner appropriate to the needs, conditions, and circumstances of different people at different times.

The constitution also has a set of Fundamental Rights that are guaranteed to all citizens irrespective of their race, religion, or gender. These rights include equality before the law, freedom from discrimination on grounds such as sex or caste, freedom from exploitation or forced labor, and protection against arrest or detention. The Indian Constitution grants all its citizens the right to freedom of speech and expression.

The first step in being an active citizen is to know the law. This will help you identify what your rights are and what you can do to protect them. For example, if someone has been arrested for expressing their views, they may be entitled to bail.

The second step is to stay informed about the happenings in your state or country. Follow news channels, read newspapers and stay updated on social media networks like Facebook and Twitter. This will help you participate in public discourse on a range of issues including corruption, poverty, casteism, etc.

The third step is to work towards creating a better future for yourself and others by volunteering or joining a social cause group such as NGOs or political parties that share your views on issues that are important to you like women’s rights, education, etc.

