Why are so many young mothers are dying by suicide in India?

In India, suicide rates among women aged 15 to 29 are the highest in the world. In a country where young mothers are often expected to be the breadwinner, and where they may feel social pressure to produce male offspring, many are struggling with problems like domestic violence and financial uncertainty.

The trend is particularly pronounced in rural areas, where access to mental health services is limited. In India, the suicide rate among young mothers is much higher than in the general population.

This is a very alarming statistic. The reasons behind this are many and complex. Some of them are: being an uneducated woman, having to care for children and elderly relatives, social stigma, poverty, and lack of support from family members. There are also other factors like mental illness and depression which can lead to suicide among young mothers in India.

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for women under the age of 45 in India. This is a shocking statistic and one that needs to be understood. There are many factors that play into this, but what we do know is that many young mothers are dying by suicide in India.

We have to find out why this is happening and how we can stop it from happening in the future.


