Man called 'Bungay gimp' who scared women revealed and says he's been misunderstood.

I don't have followers, I simply walk on my own.

June 19th 2024.

Man called 'Bungay gimp' who scared women revealed and says he's been misunderstood.
Meet Josh Harper, a 26-year-old man who has been accused of being a "gimp" and following women and children in a Suffolk town. But, according to Josh, he is just a misunderstood individual who prefers to walk on his own. He denies any allegations of following people and believes that his choice of clothing, which includes dark clothes and a face covering, is simply to protect himself from the sun.

For those who may not be familiar, gimps are known for their skin-tight outfits made of latex or leather, often with intimidating markings around their eyes. However, Josh's attire consists of a hoody, cargo pants, a fabric covering for the lower part of his face, and occasionally, a pair of wellington boots. He clarifies that his understanding of a gimp may be different from others, and his face covering serves practical purposes such as keeping him warm in the cold weather and shielding his face from the sun.

Despite Josh's explanations, rumors and speculations continue to circulate about the "Bungay gimp" in the quaint market town. Recently, a Ring camera caught him ringing a stranger's doorbell in the early hours of the morning, which further fueled the ongoing discussions. However, when the police were approached to investigate the sightings, they declined, stating that no crime had been committed.

It seems that this is not the first time Josh has been accused of following women and schoolchildren. In another incident, a woman reported that the mysterious man changed his direction to follow her after walking past her. She felt scared and was about to call her dad for help when a friend drove by and offered her a ride. The Beccles & Bungay Journal reported her saying that it was a strange and unsettling experience.

But Josh maintains his innocence and insists that he was simply walking around, minding his own business. He acknowledges that people have given him the nickname of the "Bungay gimp" and have said hurtful things about him, but he chooses to ignore them and focus on his own thoughts while walking. He clarifies that he has no interest in stalking people and has better things to do with his time.

Despite his denials, a mother reported Josh for allegedly following her child. The police did receive the report, but they could not prove if Josh was intentionally following the girl. They spoke to her and gave her safety advice, assuring her to call 999 if she ever felt threatened. Josh is frustrated with the situation and says that it is ridiculous. He wants people to know that he is not a follower, he is a walker. He enjoys taking strolls to nearby towns like Beccles, Harleston, and Bungay, and if that annoys some people, he apologizes, but he does not see anything wrong with it.

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