ITV is prohibiting individuals under 18 from working on This Morning following the controversy surrounding Phillip Schofield.

He confessed to having a relationship with a younger coworker.

June 19th 2024.

ITV is prohibiting individuals under 18 from working on This Morning following the controversy surrounding Phillip Schofield.
According to reports, ITV has decided to prohibit individuals under the age of 18 from working on their popular show, This Morning. This decision comes after the controversial scandal surrounding former presenter Phillip Schofield. As many may recall, last year Schofield admitted to having an affair with a younger male employee, which he described as "unwise but not illegal". This revelation caused quite a stir and ultimately led to Schofield's departure from the show, as well as his resignation from all of his projects at ITV, including Dancing on Ice.

The scandal raised questions about the culture at This Morning, with some alleging a toxic and bullying environment. As more details about the affair emerged, it was revealed that the employee involved was 34 years younger than Schofield and only 15 years old when they first met. The romantic relationship is said to have begun when the employee was 20 years old, while Schofield was still married and before he publicly came out as gay.

To prevent any similar incidents from occurring in the future, ITV has reportedly implemented a ban on minors being employed at the channel. This measure is not only to ensure a safe working environment, but also to prevent any accusations of nepotism. It will now be more difficult for friends and family members of senior employees to secure jobs at the channel, as they must now be over 18 years old.

A source close to ITV stated, "ITV is taking this matter very seriously and is tightening their policies to prevent any potential scandals from happening again. The rules for hiring are now very strict and they are not taking any chances. No one under the age of 18 will be employed at the channel."

As for Schofield, he left This Morning and ITV entirely last year, and an external review into the circumstances surrounding his departure was launched in May. However, Schofield declined to participate in the review, citing concerns for his mental health. The review found that only one person had knowledge of the affair and did not report it until 2021.

The report also stated that Schofield did not use his influence to assist the employee's career at ITV, and that the individual was able to progress on their own merits. The review recommended that managers ensure their junior employees are aware of the open culture at ITV and feel comfortable speaking up if they have any concerns. It also suggested that ITV establish clear guidelines for their talent to promote good behavior, even for those who are well-known household names.

ITV has yet to comment on the ban on minors, but it is clear that they are taking steps to prevent any similar scandals from occurring in the future. This Morning continues to air on weekdays at 10am on ITV1. If you have a celebrity story, video, or pictures, you can contact the entertainment team at The Agency by email, phone, or by visiting their Submit Stuff page. They would love to hear from you.

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