A winner of Strictly shares about feeling entitled to happiness following the loss of their partner.

She's discussed the process of healing.

June 19th 2024.

A winner of Strictly shares about feeling entitled to happiness following the loss of their partner.
Jill Halfpenny, the talented actress known for her role in EastEnders and her victory on Strictly Come Dancing, has been making headlines recently for more than just her acting and dancing skills. In a recent interview, she opened up about finding happiness again after experiencing a tragic loss.

In 2019, Jill's partner, Matt Janes, passed away suddenly from a heart attack while at the gym. The tragic event mirrored the loss of her father, who also died from a heart attack when she was just four years old. Understandably, these losses took a toll on Jill, but in recent weeks, she has shared that she has found love again with her new partner, Ian. She describes their meeting as perfect timing, after thinking she would never find love again.

In a new interview, Jill speaks about the importance of deserving happiness and enjoying her new romance. She acknowledges that after experiencing such a loss, it can feel like a betrayal to move on and find happiness again. However, she emphasizes the importance of processing and healing before entering into a new relationship.

Appearing on The One Show, Jill shares, "When you lose a partner, a romantic relationship, it can sometimes feel like betrayal if you move on. It's not, you absolutely are allowed to be happy again, but I think if you do the processing and the healing and do the work, you can go into another relationship and be happy again." She adds, "But if you haven't done that work, there will always be a part of you somewhere else."

Jill also opens up about the isolating and scary nature of grief, and how it can be tempting to isolate oneself. However, she has found solace in writing a book about her experience and the lessons she has learned from her grief. She hopes to offer support and understanding to others who may be going through a similar situation.

As for her new romance with Ian, Jill gushes about how he has been her "cheerleader" and how she feels fortunate to have found someone who loves and supports her. She shares, "It sounds so cheesy, but I think Ian and I met at the perfect time. After Matt died, I didn't know if I'd ever meet anyone again, but Ian is my cheerleader - I know I've met somebody who I love and who loves me."

Jill's interview on The One Show shed light on her journey of finding happiness after experiencing such a loss. Her vulnerability and honesty are inspiring, and she hopes to offer support to others who may be struggling with grief. We wish Jill all the best in her new romance and continued healing.

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