Learn about sustainable job opportunities and environmental initiatives at the Rooting for Resilience event.

Bhubaneswar's Bakul Foundation library hosted an event promoting job opportunities in the climate sector, which is predicted to create 3.7 million jobs by 2030.

May 25th 2024.

Learn about sustainable job opportunities and environmental initiatives at the Rooting for Resilience event.
On a sunny Friday afternoon in Bhubaneswar, the Bakul Foundation library was buzzing with excitement as it hosted an event called "Rooting for Resilience". The goal of this event was to raise awareness about the abundance of job opportunities in the climate sector, which is predicted to create around 3.7 million jobs in India by 2030.

This event was a collaborative effort between several organizations, including the Bakul Foundation, Youth for Water, IYCN, ASAR, and the Sustera Foundation. Together, they brought together a group of nearly 40 ambitious young individuals from all over Odisha. The main speakers of the event were Deepa A, Sanju Soman, and Roshni from the Sustera Foundation, who shared valuable insights on the importance of climate-related jobs and the necessary skills to excel in this field.

Sanju emphasized that climate-related work is not just about volunteerism, it goes beyond that. With the increasing impact of climate change, there is a growing demand for professionals in this sector. From urban planners to environmental data analysts and technicians, there are various job opportunities that offer lucrative salaries and incentives.

The success of the event was largely due to the efforts of Sujit Mahapatra, the founder of the Bakul Foundation. The event also included a collaborative activity where participants identified the major climate-related challenges faced by Odisha. It was a great networking opportunity, showcasing the enthusiasm and potential of the youth in the state. The event highlighted both the vulnerability of Odisha to climate change and its potential to become a hub for green jobs and enterprises.

The speakers also emphasized the importance of scaling up training programs and providing necessary skills to the youth in order for Odisha to lead the way in the climate sector. By turning challenges into opportunities, the state has the potential to pave the way for a greener and more sustainable future. The event left a lasting impression on all attendees, inspiring them to consider a career in the climate sector and contribute towards a better tomorrow.

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