India's navy joins biggest global sea exercise

Indian Navy's INS Shivalik is joining RIMPAC exercise in Hawaii, the world's largest maritime exercise, with 29 countries and 40 ships participating.

June 29th 2024.

India's navy joins biggest global sea exercise
The INS Shivalik, a stealth frigate built by the Indian Navy, has been deployed on a mission to the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. This deployment is in conjunction with the 29th edition of the Rim of the Pacific exercise, which is the largest international maritime exercise in the world. The exercise is currently taking place in Hawaii and will run until August 1.

According to the US Navy, this edition of RIMPAC will involve 29 nations, 40 surface ships, three submarines, and over 25,000 personnel. The participants will be engaging in a variety of training exercises, including disaster relief, maritime security, sea control, and warfighting. This year's theme is "Partners: Integrated and Prepared," and the goal is to improve relationships, interoperability, and proficiency among the participating nations.

Vice Admiral John Wade, the Commander of the US 3rd Fleet and RIMPAC 2024 Combined Task Force, stated that the exercise has grown over the years and is now the premier joint combined maritime training opportunity. Its purpose is to promote peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region by building strong relationships and enhancing cooperation.

The exercises planned for RIMPAC 24 include various operations such as amphibious operations, gunnery, missile, anti-submarine, and air defense exercises. Additionally, there will be training in military medicine, humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, counter-piracy, mine clearance, explosive ordnance disposal, and diving and salvage operations.

Apart from India, other nations participating in RIMPAC include Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, South Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga, the United Kingdom, and the USA.

Earlier this month, the INS Shivalik also took part in the Japan-India Maritime Exercise 2024 held in Yokosuka, Japan. This deployment is part of India's efforts to increase interoperability with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, the US Navy, and other partner navies participating in RIMPAC 24. The Indian Navy hopes to strengthen its cooperation and coordination with these nations through this exercise.

In conclusion, the participation of INS Shivalik in RIMPAC 24 is a testament to India's commitment to promoting peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. Through this exercise, the Indian Navy aims to enhance its capabilities and interoperability with other nations, leading to a more secure and cooperative maritime environment.

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