The climate sector is a major source of employment opportunities, according to Sanju Soman.

Sanju Soman, a young climate activist from Kerala, is a top leader in the field and has created a model wetland village. He also runs an NGO, Sustera Foundation, to train youth in climate action and support local government and entrepreneurs.

May 25th 2024.

The climate sector is a major source of employment opportunities, according to Sanju Soman.
Sanju Soman, a young climate activist and one of the top leaders in the country, has made remarkable contributions in his home state of Kerala. He is the brains behind the first 'model wetland village' and has also founded the Sustera Foundation, a non-governmental organization aimed at training young people in climate action, building the capacity of local self-government institutions, and supporting climate entrepreneurs. Sanju was recently in Bhubaneswar to attend an awareness program called Rooting for Resilience, which focuses on the various opportunities available in the climate sector. During his visit, he had a candid chat with Orissa POST. Let's take a look at some excerpts from the conversation.

When asked about the inspiration behind launching Rooting for Resilience, Sanju explained that there is a shortage of skilled individuals in the climate sector, primarily due to the misconception that this field is only for volunteers. However, in reality, it is a hub for numerous job opportunities, and young people can earn a substantial income by pursuing a career in this field. With this in mind, the team visited Bhubaneswar to interact with the youth and environmental enthusiasts and educate them about the various opportunities available. They are also assessing the situation in Odisha and providing training to young people based on their educational background.

Being known for his work in wetland conservation, Sanju was asked about the importance of preserving wetlands and the current state of wetland conservation in Odisha. He stressed the significance of wetland conservation in managing floods, and how destroying them and converting them into concrete jungles only worsens the situation. Wetlands also play a crucial role in methane management and provide livelihood opportunities. The Chilika lake in Odisha is a perfect example of this. Sanju also mentioned environmental activist Soumya Ranjan Biswal, who is doing an excellent job in conserving mangroves in the state.

When questioned about the role of young people in addressing climate change issues, Sanju emphasized their ability to innovate and bring about change with their ideas. He believes that resilience is a crucial quality that the youth must possess to make a significant impact in a country like India.

In terms of achieving climate goals, Sanju believes that local government institutions, such as panchayats, should be given more power in managing climate issues. They are the ones who are connected to the ground reality and can make a significant difference. He gave the example of Kerala, where every panchayat has disaster management programs and is adequately empowered and funded to deal with such issues.

In conclusion, Sanju Soman is a passionate climate warrior who is making a significant impact in his home state and beyond. He hopes to inspire more young people to join the cause and work towards a sustainable future for all.

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