Keir is thinking about bringing on Sue Gray to be the head of staff for Labour.

Sue Gray has become renowned for her thorough investigation into the partygate scandal and her firm stance on holding government officials accountable for their actions.

March 2nd 2023.

Keir is thinking about bringing on Sue Gray to be the head of staff for Labour.
Sir Keir Starmer is reportedly considering appointing Sue Gray, a senior civil servant who had investigated the Government’s partygate scandal, as his party’s new chief of staff in preparation for the upcoming general election. A Labour spokesperson stated that the recruitment process is still ongoing and that nobody has been offered the job yet. The potential hiring has caused an uproar among senior Tory politicians, who challenge Ms Gray’s impartiality during her inquiry.

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In an effort to be ready for the election, Sir Keir has already replaced his current chief of staff with Sam White, who had been unpopular among the shadow cabinet. Ms Gray, on the other hand, has garnered the respect of many of her peers in Whitehall for her hard stance on misbehaviour.

The Tories now face a difficult season in the lead up to the election due to the partygate scandal, the Prime Minister's fall from grace, and Liz Truss's handling of the economy. Although Rishi Sunak has attempted to restore some equilibrium with a Brexit deal to resolve the Northern Ireland protocol, further scandals have arisen with leaked WhatsApp messages from Matt Hancock and Sir Gavin Williamson. In response to the reports, Hancock's team said the messages had been 'spun' and the journalist who shared them had been accused of a 'massive betrayal'.

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