Joe Biden to nominate first Muslim American judge to federal appeals court.

Celebrate different perspectives and backgrounds in decision-making roles.

November 16th 2023.

Joe Biden to nominate first Muslim American judge to federal appeals court.
The White House is expected to announce President Biden's intention to nominate Adeel A. Mangi to a federal appeals court, making him the first Muslim American judge to serve. Mangi is an attorney and partner at Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP in New York, and has an impressive resume.

He serves on the board of directors of the Muslim Bar Association of New York, the Legal Aid Society of New York and Muslims for Progressive Values. Additionally, Mangi is an ally board member for the National LGBT Bar Association. His legal career has included work on commercial contracts, false advertising and consumer protection statutes in state and federal courts. In 2022, he secured a $2 billion verdict in a case involving the robbery of trade secrets in the software space.

Mangi has also been involved in numerous legal disputes of discrimination against Muslims. In 2016, he filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of an Islamic group over the denial of a proposal to build a mosque in New Jersey. He has also appeared before the Supreme Court as a spokesperson for a multifaith religious coalition.

The selection of Mangi would fulfill the President Biden’s pledge to “ensure that the nation’s courts reflect the diversity that is one of our greatest assets as a country — both in terms of personal and professional backgrounds,” according to the Washington Post. Since 2021, President Biden has nominated as many minority women to be judges in his first four months as did Donald Trump in four years.

Among the other nominees, Biden is considering is Superior Court Judge Cristal Brisco from St. Joseph County, Indiana. If confirmed, she would be the first Black woman and the first woman of color to serve on the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Indiana. This is a part of Biden's plan to make sure the nation’s courts are more diverse and representative of the American people.

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