Inspire future gymnasts by starting plans now.

Kids learn essential skills through playing sports.

March 23rd 2023.

Inspire future gymnasts by starting plans now.
Max Whitlock was delighted to be back competing last month and is now dedicating his time to enhancing gymnastics in primary schools. He believes the recently announced £600million PE and school sports premium will be a great aid in inspiring the next generation of gymnasts. His and his wife Leah's goal is to make sure the quality of gymnastics sessions are up to standard, and provide teachers with the confidence to teach the sport. Furthermore, they want to ensure teachers have the necessary resources and support to teach gymnastics safely and effectively. Max desires to make a difference at the grassroots level, and the recently announced funding will help him do just that. People may be concerned about children attempting a forward roll, but these are essential skills for children of that age. Max and Leah are passionate about giving back to the sport they love, which is why they are working on a project for primary school children.

Max Whitlock was delighted to be back competing last month and is currently focusing on his passion project of improving gymnastics in primary schools. The UK government's £600 million PE and school sports premium provides a fantastic opportunity to help bring back gymnastics to what it once was. Together with his wife Leah, who have been involved in the sport for their entire lives, they are working to give teachers the confidence and resources to teach gymnastics with ongoing support. Max is determined to have a positive impact at the grassroots level and the recent funding announcement is a huge step in the right direction.

People may be concerned about the safety of a primary school child attempting a forward roll, however Max believes these skills are essential for children of that age and he wants to be able to provide teachers with the knowledge to confidently teach it. He and Leah are striving to give back to the sport they love by launching this project for primary school children.

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