False photos of President Trump's arrest have gone viral on social media, apparently created by artificial intelligence.

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March 23rd 2023.

False photos of President Trump's arrest have gone viral on social media, apparently created by artificial intelligence.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Artificial Intelligence generated deepfakes depicting former President Donald Trump being apprehended went viral on Twitter after reports of a possible indictment against him surfaced this week. Over five million people have seen the series of pictures that show Trump attempting to evade law enforcement before finally being taken into custody. Additionally, some of the fabricated images feature Melania Trump and Donald Trump Jr. demonstrating against the arrest. Elliot Higgins, founder of investigative collective Bellingcat, used Midjourney, a text-to-image generator powered by AI, to generate the lifelike images. He wrote on Twitter, "'Making pictures of Trump getting arrested while waiting for Trump's arrest,'. Upon closer examination, it is evident that the text on the police officers' uniforms is nonsensical, plus there are distorted faces and hands, which are usually tell-tale signs of AI-generated images.

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