Woman losing her sight creates a list of places she wants to visit before she is completely blind.

Sight loss has opened up new opportunities and experiences, outweighing the loss.

March 22nd 2023.

Woman losing her sight creates a list of places she wants to visit before she is completely blind.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Tiggi Trethowan with her guide dog black labrador Jackie

A woman is on a mission to cross off all the items on her ‘visual memory list’ ahead of her complete loss of vision.

Tiggi Trethowan, is keen to experience as much as possible, even if it means visiting a remote Australian island with a population of nine and exploring Antarctica.

The 65-year-old has already lost her sight in her right eye about 15 years ago and is currently down to 6% sight in the left eye. As Tiggi puts it: ‘My eyesight is hanging off a cliff edge.’

The prognosis implies she will eventually be completely blind, and Tiggi emphasizes the significance of creating a ‘visual memory list’, visiting places she has always wanted to go to.

A sighted guide is always with her on the trips, as well as her black Labrador Jackie, who she got around five years ago through Guide Dogs.

‘If I spot a sight that I want to store in my visual memories, I actually stop and click my eyes almost like a camera and consciously put it in my mental photograph,’ she stated.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Tiggi in Antarctica

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Tiggi ziplines at Go Ape

‘Even before I knew I had 6% of my sight in the left eye, I realized that the chances others have of viewing a beautiful painting or looking at pictures in a photo album would not be a possibility once my sight was gone.

‘My options were to lay in bed, cover myself with a comforter and never get up again, or to rise and revisit places I have loved and people I have adored.’

So far she has ventured to new places including Patagonia, Chile and Argentina, with the ‘most stunning’ being Antarctica, which she traversed on a fishing boat with her guide.

The ‘peak’ of the visual list has been a trip to Wales to watch humpback whales.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Tiggi with her guide dog black labrador Jackie

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Tiggi hiking

‘We went to a small scientific station on an island, where scientists work with humpback whales in the area,’ she said.

‘We spent the night on a beach in these pods and on one day we went to a field where there were more than 30 humpback whales.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Tiggi Trethowan with her guide dog black labrador Jackie

A woman is striving to accomplish all the items on her ‘visual memory list’ prior to her sight completely fading away.

Tiggi Trethowan, wants to take advantage of as much as possible, including visiting a remote Australian island with a population of nine, and exploring Antarctica.

The 65-year-old has already lost her sight in her right eye about 15 years ago and is down to 6% sight in the left eye. As Tiggi puts it: ‘My eyesight is hanging off a cliff edge.’

The diagnosis implies that she will ultimately become totally blind, and Tiggi says it's essential for her to construct a ‘visual memory list’, visiting places she has particularly enjoyed or still desires to journey to.

A sighted guide is always with her on the trips, and her black Labrador Jackie, whom she got approximately five years ago via Guide Dogs.

‘If I notice something I want to add to my visual memories, I actually always physically stop and click my eyes almost like a camera and intentionally store it as a mental photograph,’ she said.

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