Greggs is removing the popular hot cross bun from their menu for Easter.

You won't be able to find buns here this year.

March 4th 2023.

Greggs is removing the popular hot cross bun from their menu for Easter.

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It appears that Greggs will not be offering hot cross buns this Easter, with a spokesperson mentioning the introduction of other seasonal products in lieu of the classic treat. Customers have expressed their distaste at the decision, with many claiming that Greggs' buns were the best around. For those who love hot cross buns, it may be necessary to look elsewhere to get your fix this year, as it marks the second year the confection has been absent from Greggs' Easter menu. Are you a fan of hot cross buns? Where are your favorites from? Comment now!

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Disappointment is spreading among hot cross bun enthusiasts as Greggs has decided not to include them in their Easter menu for a second year in a row. A spokesperson for the bakery chain commented: ‘While Hot Cross Buns won’t be returning to our menu this Easter, keep an eye out for other Easter favourites that will be arriving in our shops soon.’ Although the company has promised an array of alternative seasonal products, it won't be the same for fans of the classic.

Those who would usually pick up a pack of four buns for just £1 at Greggs are particularly upset. One social media user tweeted: ‘I’m disappointed to report there will be no return of hot cross buns at Greggs for the foreseeable future’ and another said: ‘No Hot Cross Buns? No Greggs. Simples.’

Are you a hot cross bun devotee? Where is your go-to place for the Easter treat? Comment now.

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