Gabriel has expressed his disappointment at not being included in Brazil's latest squad selection.

He has been performing really well lately.

March 4th 2023.

Gabriel has expressed his disappointment at not being included in Brazil's latest squad selection.

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Gabriel Magalhaes was let down after being excluded from Brazil's squad, despite his impressive form for Arsenal recently. The Under-20 manager of the Selecao, Ramon Menezes, has taken charge of the senior side temporarily, and has instead opted to call up a number of young defenders, such as Arthur and Robert Renan. This led Gabriel to take to social media to express his disappointment, before deleting the Tweet, as he felt he had to switch sports to be considered for international selection. The Gunners centre-back has been forming a strong defensive partnership alongside William Saliba which has been aiding Arsenal's push for the title, with Arteta describing them as a "happy marriage", despite the altercation between them at the end of the Leicester game. Arteta also said that he didn't speak to Saliba for a week after he returned to the club, in order to get a better understanding of him and his expectations.

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