Ukraine's attack on a bakery results in 20 deaths, according to Russia.

On Saturday, rescuers found bodies in the ruins.

February 3rd 2024.

Ukraine's attack on a bakery results in 20 deaths, according to Russia.
According to reports from Russian officials, a devastating attack on a bakery in the Russian-occupied city of Lysychansk in eastern Ukraine has resulted in the loss of 20 lives. The attack, carried out by Ukraine, has caused widespread damage and destruction to the building that housed the bakery. The Russian emergency ministry has confirmed that they have recovered 20 bodies from the wreckage so far.

Videos shared by Moscow show the heroic efforts of rescue workers as they carry injured individuals on stretchers out of the debris. Maria Zakharova, a spokesperson for Russia's foreign ministry, expressed her concern for the civilians who were inside the building at the time of the attack. She also claimed that the use of western weapons was involved in the strike.

The Russian-controlled Luhansk information centre reported that the attack was carried out using US-supplied high mobility artillery rocket systems. According to Russian reports, the average age of the victims was approximately 35 years old. The emergency services are working tirelessly to pull more survivors from the rubble.

In the midst of this tragedy, there is some relief as officials have confirmed that there were no children among the fatalities. However, the search for any remaining survivors is still ongoing. Leonid Pasechnik, who was appointed by Moscow to govern Ukraine's Luhansk region, expressed concerns that there may be more individuals trapped under the debris.

Lysychansk, which is located about nine miles from Ukrainian-controlled territory, has been under Russian control since the summer of 2022 after a series of intense battles. The situation in eastern Ukraine has reached a stalemate, but recent escalations on both sides have resulted in more innocent lives being lost this winter. Just yesterday, Ukrainian drones successfully destroyed an entire column of Russian armoured vehicles.

The tragedy of the bakery attack serves as a reminder of the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine and the devastating impact it has on civilians. As the search and rescue efforts continue, it is crucial for both sides to prioritize the safety and well-being of innocent citizens caught in the crossfire.

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