Gran had an extreme fondness for M&Ms to the point that she was laid to rest in a coffin shaped like a giant one.

Her students affectionately referred to her as 'MM'.

February 23rd 2023.

Gran had an extreme fondness for M&Ms to the point that she was laid to rest in a coffin shaped like a giant one.

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Mary Ester Stocks Martin Gailey, fondly referred to as 'MM' by her students, was a language arts teacher for 30 years

On Saturday, Mary Ester Stocks Martin Gailey was laid to rest according to her wishes in a giant model of an M&M. Her initials, 'MM', were a source of fondness for her students, and her family and friends honoured the in-joke by wearing M&M-themed clothing to her funeral. Her daughter-in-law Lisa Richardson said that Mary's only regret was not being able to see people's faces at her own funeral, as she had an entire room full of M&Ms memorabilia. The giant blue M&M casket had several smaller sweets in the middle featuring the names of Mary's loved ones, such as her children Steven Douglas Martin, William Gary Martin, Cindy Elaine Roundtree, and Thomas Dan Martin. Mary's grandson Scott Roundtree shared photos of her burial and thanked her for the hugs, popcorn, and Rice Krispies she always gave him. Several of Mary's former pupils attended her funeral and said she was their 'biggest supporter' and that they would miss her. Mary was also a swimming teacher before she retired in 2000.

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