Edinburgh Int'l Festival: Three nights of stunning performances to captivate viewers at George Heriot's School.

Edinburgh International Festival's three-night opener at George Heriot's School promises to impress with Where to Begin event, sponsored by The Macallan. Over 3,000 tickets now available.

June 19th 2024.

Edinburgh Int'l Festival: Three nights of stunning performances to captivate viewers at George Heriot's School.
The Edinburgh International Festival is gearing up for an incredible three-night extravaganza at George Heriot's School. Titled "Where to Begin," this event will unfold over three magical evenings starting at dusk, from August 2nd to 4th. Tickets are already on sale for this highly anticipated event, which is being co-produced with the renowned whisky brand, The Macallan.

Drawing inspiration from the enchanting landscape of Scotland's capital city, the production promises to be a visual feast, showcasing its hidden vaults and tunnels. Guests will be transported into the grounds of George Heriot's School, a prestigious institution that has often been compared to the iconic Hogwarts from the Harry Potter movies. This independent school, situated with a breathtaking view of Edinburgh Castle, boasts a rich history dating back to 1628 and has educated notable alumni such as artist Henry Raeburn and filmmaker Charlotte Wells.

The event itself will be a fusion of performance, music, storytelling, and video projections, all coming together to create a truly unique experience. Drawing from centuries of Edinburgh's past and Scottish heritage, the production is poised to be a celebration of the city's creative force and the talent of its people. As Nicola Benedetti, Director of the Edinburgh International Festival, puts it, "We know audiences will be blown away by this spectacle, and we're proud to showcase the formidable creative power and potential of Edinburgh to the world. This event beckons us to discover new ways to appreciate and experience our city."

The Opening Event, titled "Where to Begin," is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. Global Creative Director of The Macallan, Jaume Ferràs, echoes this sentiment, stating, "As The Macallan celebrates our 200th anniversary this year, we are honored to partner with the International Festival to kickstart the festival season with a bang." He goes on to add that "Where to Begin" will captivate and inspire audiences with stories of Scotland's past, present, and future, offering a unique and unforgettable experience that only a live event can provide.

Don't miss out on this one-of-a-kind event that promises to be a feast for the senses and a celebration of Scotland's rich culture. For more captivating stories, check out our Culture section, and make sure to subscribe to read the latest issue of Scottish Field.

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