300 trophies carefully polished for the Royal Highland Show.

300 trophies are being polished for the Royal Highland Show this weekend, with a variety of prestigious awards up for grabs, including a 15-carat gold masterpiece.

June 19th 2024.

300 trophies carefully polished for the Royal Highland Show.
This weekend, the highly anticipated Royal Highland Show will be taking place, with over 300 prestigious trophies up for grabs. As the organizers of the event, RHASS has been diligently preparing for this momentous occasion, with House and Heritage Officer Alain Wright leading the charge.

Alain's role in this process is crucial, as he is responsible for the care and maintenance of the 327 remarkable trophies. Each one holds a special significance, from an exquisite 15-carat gold masterpiece to the tallest award standing over one meter tall. These trophies not only represent achievement, but also hold a rich heritage and story behind them.

To ensure that these valuable pieces are in pristine condition for the event, Alain puts in countless hours of meticulous work. On average, it takes him an hour to polish each trophy, which means that conservatively, he would have to work for 40 days straight, eight hours a day. And for the larger trophies, such as the McMurchie Memorial Trophy and the Knockbrex Perpetual Silver Challenge Cup, the process can take up to 17 hours for a thorough polish.

The hard work and dedication put into these trophies is a testament to their immense value and prestige. They serve as a symbol of recognition and honor for the recipients who have put in countless hours of hard work.

As Alain prepares the hundreds of trophies for the event, he takes great pride in his work. He is passionate about preserving the legacy of these trophies, which have become an integral part of RHASS since 2022. The oldest trophy among the collection dates back to 1863, while the oldest actively competed for trophy was crafted in 1903.

"It's a true honor and privilege to work with these trophies," Alain said with a smile. "Not only do they hold intrinsic value, but they also have incredible workmanship and fascinating stories behind them, which I take joy in uncovering."

Among the notable trophies is the Queen's Cup, a stunning sterling silver masterpiece featuring the Royal Arms and an intricate inscription. This trophy was presented by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1960 to commemorate her presidency of the Royal Highland Show. It rotates between different sections of livestock competitions and this year, it will be awarded in the Dairy Cattle section.

Another noteworthy piece is the McDiarmid Cup, renowned for its exquisite Scottish-themed design and expert silversmith craftsmanship. Standing at an impressive height of 53cm, this trophy is intricately decorated and is sure to catch the eye of all who see it.

"It will be a joy to see this year's winners lift these remarkable trophies as part of their celebrations," Alain exclaimed.

The Royal Highland Show will be held at the Royal Highland Centre in Edinburgh from 20-23 June. Don't miss out on this fantastic event and for more captivating culture stories, be sure to subscribe to Scottish Field.

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