I assumed my date had called an Uber to my place, but I ended up getting in the car.

The noise stopped suddenly.

July 27th 2024.

I assumed my date had called an Uber to my place, but I ended up getting in the car.
Kimberley Bond had been on the dating scene for what felt like an eternity. She had experienced her fair share of heartbreak and misery, and was starting to lose hope of ever finding someone worth her time. But then, she met Steven. From the moment she looked into his warm brown eyes, she knew that all the struggles she had endured were worth it. She had fallen for him deeply and completely.

Their first date was magical. When Steven's soft lips touched hers, she felt her insides melt. And when he nuzzled her neck, she thought her legs might give out from under her. It was clear to Kimberley that she had found "the one" after only a short time of dating. But little did she know, she was about to fall even deeper into the trenches.

They had met on Tinder, back when it was the go-to dating app. Kimberley was pleasantly surprised by Steven's quick wit, humor, and engaging conversation. He was a refreshing change from the usual "what you up to" texts she had grown accustomed to. So when he suggested they meet at a wine bar for their first date, she was a little nervous but mostly excited.

Upon meeting him, Kimberley was relieved to see that he looked just like his pictures. He had a deep tan, perfect teeth, and a well-coiffed hairdo that was supposed to look effortless. The only thing that gave her pause were his high-waisted trousers, which reminded her a bit of Simon Cowell. Her housemate even commented on them after she tried to sneak Steven back to her bedroom after a few drinks.

But as they say, clothes have a way of coming off. And by that point, Kimberley was so smitten with Steven that she didn't even care about the trousers. When he asked her out on another date for the following Saturday, she abandoned all attempts at playing it cool and eagerly said yes.

As they met for their second date on a rooftop bar, something felt a little off to Kimberley. It wasn't just the high-waisted trousers this time. Steven seemed nervous and distracted, constantly checking his phone. She started to doubt herself, wondering if he had lost interest in her or if he was waiting for a better prospect on Tinder. To quiet the voices of doubt in her head, she drank mojitos until she was practically buzzing.

But then, Steven's phone pinged and he abruptly said he needed to get some cash. He suggested they head back to Kimberley's place, and she eagerly agreed. As they got into a silver car, Kimberley assumed it was their Uber. But then, she noticed that Steven had exchanged a fistful of cash for two small bags of white powder. She was speechless as he nonchalantly put the bags into his wallet.

Despite not being a "nark" or a "grass," Kimberley couldn't help but feel uneasy. She didn't want any part in whatever drugs Steven was planning on doing that night. But for some reason, he still came back to her place and they had sex. It was perfunctory and unremarkable. Afterwards, while Kimberley was in the shower, Steven left without even saying goodbye. It was only then that she noticed he had left his bags of drugs behind.

As she shared the story with her housemates and friends, some of them asked if they could have the drugs. Kimberley declined, not wanting any part of it. She never heard from Steven again after that night, and eventually tossed the drugs aside when she moved in with her new boyfriend.

Years later, while casually swiping through Hinge, Kimberley came across Steven's profile. She was shocked to see that he was still wearing his high-waisted trousers and still somehow practicing law. But what surprised her the most was that he was still single. Despite a brief moment of temptation, Kimberley ultimately swiped him away, remembering the sweaty upper lip, the swagger, and the small bags of drugs.

If you're looking for a little adventure in your life, Steven might just be your guy. But be warned, his side hustle as a drug dealer might not be for everyone. And as for Kimberley, she's moved on from the trenches and found someone who is truly worth her time.

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