Convicted murderer claims jail sentence is too long for killing his former spouse.

The woman's mother believes that no sentence could fully capture the situation.

July 31st 2024.

Convicted murderer claims jail sentence is too long for killing his former spouse.
A man was recently sentenced to 26 years in jail for the brutal stabbing murder of his ex-wife on Christmas Day. However, he has now appealed the severity of the sentence, claiming that it was excessively harsh. The man, Darren Mark Wake, used a folding knife to stab Rachel Wake a total of 17 times at her home in Hobart in 2021. This vicious attack was fueled by Darren's deep resentment towards his ex-wife.

The couple's son was inside the house at the time of the attack, while their daughter, Romany, had just parked her car outside after giving Darren a ride to deliver a present. It was a horrifying and traumatic experience for both of them to witness such violence in their own home. In the aftermath of the murder, Darren has been in custody and was finally sentenced to 26 years in jail with a non-parole period of 17 years.

However, the very next morning after the sentence was handed down, Darren filed an appeal to the Supreme Court of Tasmania. He argued that the jail term was "manifestly excessive in all the circumstances." It was a shocking move, considering the severity of the crime he had committed. The judge who sentenced him, Justice Helen Wood, had stated that Rachel had every right to protect herself when Darren tried to force his way into the house against her wishes.

Darren had a history of resentment towards Rachel, and this time, his anger reached a boiling point. He blamed her for the deteriorating relationship he had with their son, as she had informed him that their son did not want to see him. Despite this, Darren persisted in his attack, even knowing that his son was in the house and his daughter was nearby. Justice Wood described the attack as a deliberate attempt to cause fatal harm.

Darren initially pleaded not guilty in court, denying his involvement in the crime. However, he eventually changed his plea to guilty in December. Outside of the courtroom, Rachel's mother, Maureen Sierink, expressed the agony and pain that her family had endured since losing her daughter. She believed that the sentence was not long enough, but she also hoped that it would bring attention to the rampant issue of domestic violence against women.

Despite the heinousness of his crime, Justice Wood took into account that Darren was deeply remorseful and regretful for his actions. He had even provided first aid to Rachel before she passed away in the hospital. However, his remorse could never make up for the loss and pain that he caused to Rachel's family and loved ones. Romany, Rachel's daughter, stated that the sentence finally brought some justice for her mother.

For those who have experienced or are currently experiencing domestic violence, support is available through services such as the National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service and Lifeline. It is essential to seek help and support in these situations and know that you are not alone.

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