Australia is facing a pressing issue with a significant increase in cases of sexually transmitted infections.

RCPA reports 20% rise in gonorrhoea cases in 2023 and predicts further increase in current year.

July 31st 2024.

Australia is facing a pressing issue with a significant increase in cases of sexually transmitted infections.
Attention all Australians! It has been strongly recommended that we prioritize getting tested for sexually transmitted infections in light of a recent surge in cases. The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia has reported a significant increase of nearly 20% in gonorrhoea cases from 2022 to 2023, and they anticipate another rise this year. Additionally, the rates of syphilis have also skyrocketed, particularly for congenital syphilis, where unborn children can contract the infection from their mothers.

Despite this concerning trend, the levels of testing have not increased. Associate Professor Caitlin Keighley, Medical Director, Microbiologist and Infectious Diseases Physician at Southern IML Pathology, emphasized the importance of regular testing in order to address this pressing public health issue. "The rise in STIs such as gonorrhoea, syphilis, and HIV is a pressing public health issue that requires immediate attention in Australia," Keighley stated. "Despite a concerning increase in cases, we are not seeing a corresponding rise in testing rates. This includes older adults who may not be open about changes in their sexual practices."

The low testing levels are concerning because undiagnosed and untreated infections can lead to severe health complications and further transmission. "This leaves many individuals unknowingly at risk and is particularly concerning for pregnant women, where untreated STIs can result in congenital infections with devastating outcomes," Keighley explained. The RCPA also noted that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples face significantly higher rates of STIs compared to non-Indigenous Australians, with the prevalence of gonorrhoea and syphilis being over five times higher.

Regular STI testing is a simple yet crucial step that individuals can take to protect their health and the health of their partners. "It is important for everyone to prioritize their sexual health and get tested regularly," Keighley urged. "This not only helps individuals stay informed about their own health, but also plays a vital role in preventing the spread of STIs." So let's all do our part and prioritize getting tested for STIs to ensure the health and well-being of ourselves and our community.

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