Clyburn will support Harris if Biden is not available, according to a statement.

The news adds to doubts about Biden's abilities, highlighted by his worrying performance at the first debate on June 27.

June 30th 2024.

Clyburn will support Harris if Biden is not available, according to a statement.
Congressman Jim Clyburn recently announced his full support for the Biden-Harris ticket, even if one-half of the duo is not present. In an interview with USA Today on June 28, he expressed his willingness to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris if Biden is unable to fulfill his duties, and vice versa.

This statement comes amidst discussions and debates among Democrats about the party's next steps. Many have raised concerns about Biden's competence, particularly after his lackluster performance in the first presidential debate on June 27. Some political commentators and politicians have even suggested that Biden should step down for the sake of the nation. However, Clyburn urged everyone to "chill out" and remain committed to the Biden-Harris ticket.

"I'm a Biden-Harris person, and I'm not changing my stance," said the representative from South Carolina. "I will support Biden if Harris is not there, and I will support Harris if Biden is not there."

Clyburn's endorsement played a crucial role in turning South Carolina blue during the 2020 election, ultimately helping Biden secure the presidency. Despite this, he did admit that Biden's debate performance was not up to par. However, he remains confident that the President can improve and rise to the occasion, using a baseball reference to illustrate his point.

"If this were a ball game, he still has two more swings," Clyburn noted.

Furthermore, the congressman firmly believes that the current administration, led by Biden, is the best option for the country. He sees no suitable replacement in the current political landscape. However, there have been reports that Biden is considering stepping down, and he is set to meet with his family on June 30 to discuss the matter. In light of this, Clyburn hinted at a potential future endorsement for Harris, this time for President.

In a related development, Clyburn has decided to skip Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress, citing the disrespect shown by Netanyahu towards former President Barack Obama. This decision is consistent with Clyburn's stance on the matter, as he believes in treating others with the same respect they show others.

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