A husky was rescued from the rubble of a building three weeks after the earthquake in Turkey.

A dog has been rescued from the wreckage of a building destroyed by the earthquake in Syria and Turkey, after being trapped for 22 days.

March 2nd 2023.

A husky was rescued from the rubble of a building three weeks after the earthquake in Turkey.
After being buried for 22 days under the debris of a structure that was destroyed during the earthquake that wreaked havoc in Syria and Turkey, a husky named Alex was rescued from the wreckage.

Crews reported that Alex seemed to be malnourished and traumatized, but after a bath and a nutritious meal, he was well on his way to recovery.

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(Image Source: http://www.9news.com.au)

The magnitude 7.8 earthquake had a devastating effect on parts of southern Turkey and northern Syria, occurring on February 6 and resulting in the death of more than 48,000 people and the collapse or severe damage of 185,000 buildings in Turkey.

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