Video captures fan favorite star's dramatic collapse on Coronation Street.

A frightening experience.

June 30th 2024.

Video captures fan favorite star's dramatic collapse on Coronation Street.
Coming up next on Coronation Street, one of our beloved characters is about to face a terrifying situation. In a new spoiler video, we see Toyah Battersby collapse in agony, leaving everyone worried. It all starts when she returns home feeling unwell, causing her concerned friend Nick Tilsley to rush to her side.

In recent weeks, Nick and Toyah have grown closer as Leanne Battersby has pushed them away in favor of The Institute. With no support from her sister, Toyah confided in Nick about a traumatic event from her past - the stillbirth of her baby after being raped in 2001. This revelation has caused tension between Nick, Toyah, and Leanne, especially since Nick and Toyah have grown closer and even ended up sleeping together.

As Toyah's condition worsens, Nick heads out to get some tomato soup, which he claims is a cure-all for illness - something his son Sam Blakeman swears by. But as he leaves, Toyah's pain intensifies and she collapses, calling out for help. When Nick returns, he rushes her to the hospital where Leanne anxiously waits by her bedside, unaware of what has transpired between her fiancé and sister.

Meanwhile, the doctor delivers shocking news to Toyah, leaving the trio stunned. And if that wasn't enough to deal with, the next day, she receives yet another bombshell from her doctor. The question on everyone's mind is, what is wrong with Toyah and will she be okay?

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