Child previously injured in Tate Modern fall now independent.

Child severely injured after falling 100ft with lasting impact.

June 10th 2024.

Child previously injured in Tate Modern fall now independent.
When we hear the story of the young boy who was thrown from the top of the Tate Modern, our hearts break for him and his family. It's hard to imagine the pain and fear they must have gone through. And yet, despite the trauma and life-changing injuries, this brave little boy has made remarkable progress since the attack.

At just six years old, the French youngster was on holiday with his parents when he was picked up and thrown off the 10th floor balcony by a 17-year-old teenager named Jonty Bravery. It's a miracle that the child survived the 100ft fall, but he did not escape unscathed. He suffered a bleed on the brain and broken bones, and his life would never be the same.

In 2020, Bravery was sentenced to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty to attempted murder. Meanwhile, the boy's parents have been updating the public on his progress through a GoFundMe page. In a recent post, they lovingly refer to their son as their "little knight" and share how proud they are of his independence and ability to choose his own activities.

They describe how he can now play in the garden with the family dog, draw, build with Legos, or read in his room. He is more careful in his movements and actions, and is even able to help out around the house by feeding the dog or clearing his own plate. These may seem like small tasks, but for a child who has been through so much, they are huge accomplishments.

Despite the progress he has made, the boy still has a long road ahead of him. The injuries he sustained have made it difficult for him to keep up with his classmates at school, and he has to work harder to learn new concepts. But his parents are proud of his determination and courage, and they continue to support and guide him on his healing journey.

One of the most heartwarming aspects of the boy's progress is his improved memory. He can now remember events from the same day and talk about things he learned just an hour earlier. It may not be the same as before the attack, but it is a significant improvement that makes a big difference in their daily lives.

Of course, none of this would be possible without the love and support of those around them. The boy's parents express their gratitude to everyone who has followed and supported their son's journey to recovery. They are determined to keep moving forward and not give up.

It's also important to note that Bravery, the teenager responsible for this horrific act, has autism and was living in supported accommodation at the time. He was allowed out unsupervised and had the intention to select and kill someone. This serves as a reminder of the importance of understanding and supporting individuals with autism, and the potential consequences of not doing so.

In the end, we can all learn from this young boy's strength and perseverance. He has been through a traumatic experience that most of us cannot even imagine, and yet he continues to make progress and find joy in simple things. He is truly a little knight, and we can only hope for his continued healing and recovery.

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