Cancer patient overcomes fear to rappel down St Thomas' Hospital for a good cause.

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September 23rd 2023.

Cancer patient overcomes fear to rappel down St Thomas' Hospital for a good cause.
Claire Stork, a 42-year-old prison administrator from Woolwich in South East London, recently abseiled an impressive 160ft down St Thomas' Hospital in London, dressed as Where's Wally, to raise money for the hospital treating her for cancer. With her friends Della Pearson and Levi Bowditch, Claire was cheered on by an 'encouraging' crowd as she made her way to the ground.

Claire was diagnosed with a rare and highly aggressive form of thyroid gland cancer, anaplastic thyroid carcinoma, in January 2023. She had a six-hour operation at Guy's Hospital in December 2022 to remove a 12cm tumour that she had noticed in her neck. Claire was inspired to undertake the abseil challenge after she saw photos of another abseil at Guy's Hospital. She also used the process to conquer her fear of heights, having practised at a high ropes course in Kent with her nephew John, 12, and niece Ruby, 10.

Claire expressed her gratitude to the staff at Guy's Hospital. She said, “They’re always there for me, all the doctors and nurses are just amazing, like you can’t ask for more really. They’re always on the go and don’t relax, but no matter how busy they are, they’re always available to talk and help you. Even when I lost my hair, they helped me through that bit by bit. They helped me buy a wig and it was so comforting. I just want to say a big thank you to everybody."

Claire's efforts have been incredibly inspiring and she is hoping to raise money for Guy's Cancer Charity, which supports the hospital where she's been receiving treatment. If you're looking to help Claire, you can go to the Guy's Cancer website.

Claire's abseiling adventure has been an incredible journey, and she expressed her gratitude for the support she has received. She said, “It was very scary, but very encouraging with the audience. It was well worth it. The worst bit is getting off the ledge because you feel like you’re falling into nothing even though you’ve got the harness on. But very, very worth it. I’m excited to do it with my friends because they’ve been with me all the way through.”

Claire's story has been inspiring, and her efforts to raise money for Guy's Cancer Charity are very admirable. We hope to see her continue to make strides in her journey, and wish her the best in her treatment.

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