Russia warns it will use cluster bombs if US sends arms to Ukraine.

Global ban on cluster bombs, as they are dangerous and cause harm regardless of target.

August 15th 2023.

Russia warns it will use cluster bombs if US sends arms to Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin's pawns have threatened to use cluster bombs in Ukraine in response to the US supplying the weapons, which are globally banned. The president has previously boasted about having a 'sufficient stockpile' of cluster munitions, and his defence minister Sergei Shoigu spoke about this during a speech earlier today.

Shoigu claimed that the Kremlin have refrained from using the weapons due to 'humanitarian concerns' even though both Russia and Ukraine have accused each other of using them since the start of the war in February 2022. He warned that US decision to supply Kyiv with the weapons could have serious consequences for the civilian population.

He also pointed out that the US officials have already acknowledged the use of cluster munitions as a war crime, yet they are still committing this crime in Ukraine without any condemnation from humanitarian organizations.

Shoigu concluded by saying that the Russian forces also have cluster munitions in service but they have refrained from using them for humanitarian reasons. However, this decision may be reviewed in the near future.

Human Right Watch have confirmed in a report from the end of May that Russian forces have used cluster munitions in attacks in the past, resulting in hundreds of civilian deaths and the destruction of homes, hospitals, and schools.

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