An unforgettable night celebrating the past, present and future - the Crown & Dagger Ball.

Simone Waters attended the Crown & Dagger Ball to find out if dreams can become reality - and it was an unforgettable night!

March 30th 2023.

An unforgettable night celebrating the past, present and future - the Crown & Dagger Ball.
As soon as I step out of the taxi and onto the uneven stones of Edinburgh’s Castlehill, I am taken aback by the majestic sight of the castle in the moody darkness. But it is the group gathered in the flickering torches lining the bridge to the fortress that truly catches my eye. Like a gathering of time travellers, this proud clique of people dressed in elaborate costumes of a variety of eras and time periods makes me question everything about which era I actually belong to.

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I speak with the ball’s organiser, Mystic Fate Events, and quickly learn how passionate they are about providing a world of fantasy and making it easy to enter. They want to make it simple and relaxed for guests to feel immersed in a different time or world for a night. After seeing the likes of Marie Antoinette and Anne Boleyn grabbing a selfie in one corner, I realise the creative freedom this event offers.

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As I cross the bridge and enter Edinburgh Castle that night, I am greeted by elegant canapés, and Prosecco or mocktails. Despite the luxurious setting, I keep having “pinch me moments” as I walk through the almost empty castle and hear the magical symphony created by my heels clicking on the stony alleyways, the nightly wind whistling and of course the distant sound of a skilled bagpiper whose notes bounce off the historic walls. When the dancing begins, my reflection is quickly replaced by laughter and I am filled with a sense of realisation of how privileged I am to be living this unique moment.

As I arrived at the Crown & Dagger Ball, the flickering torches and majestic Edinburgh Castle set the scene for a truly magical evening. I was awe-struck by the vibrant group of time travellers in their exquisite costumes, ranging from Tudor-style French Hoods to towering wigs and baroque gowns.

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It was clear that the event's organisers, Mystic Fate Events, had a passion for creating an immersive journey for their guests. With the aim of making it easy to enter a different time or world for the night, they removed the complexity associated with many role playing events and invited people to experience the fantasy with as little fuss as possible.

On arrival, I was welcomed with elegant canapés and drinks, and there was plenty on the itinerary to keep guests entertained. As I walked through the castle, the sound of heels clicking on the stones, the wind whistling and a distant bagpipe set the mood and I felt truly privileged to be there.

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The ball was a great success and I felt my fantasies had truly come to life. I was able to indulge in a unique experience, surrounded by a remarkable atmosphere and made all the more special by the relaxed outlook of the Mystic Fate Events team.

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