A dad is fighting against a large number of slugs in his garden.

The speaker removes the plants and disposes of them by hand, placing them in a container.

August 29th 2024.

A dad is fighting against a large number of slugs in his garden.
Mike has declared war on the pesky garden creatures that have been wreaking havoc on his beloved tropical paradise. Despite his wife's pleas for him to come back indoors, Mike has taken it upon himself to protect his £10,000 garden in Hethersett, Norfolk from the nightly onslaught of slugs.

After his wife and daughter have gone to bed, Mike slips out into the garden armed with a head torch and a bucket, ready to do battle with the slimy invaders. He had initially tried to attract hedgehogs and frogs to his garden to help control the pest population, but they were unable to keep up with the sheer number of slugs.

With no other option, Mike has become a dedicated protector of his plants, making nightly visits at 8pm and midnight to remove the slugs by hand. He refuses to use slug pellets out of concern for the hedgehogs that may consume the poisoned slugs.

Despite having to get up early for work, Mike spends his evenings and nights on "slug patrol" to ensure the health and well-being of his plants. His hard work has paid off, with the damage to his plants being reduced thanks to his efforts.

Mike's most prized possessions in the garden are his three tree ferns, imported from New Zealand at a cost of £600 each. He also splurged on a £100 blue tinted bamboo plant. But for Mike, the time and money invested in his garden are worth it for the end result.

His daughter Nora loves spending time in the garden, particularly admiring his collection of 33 varieties of Venus flytraps. However, Mike's wife Jasmine sometimes gets frustrated with his dedication to the garden. But she understands and supports his passion, knowing that the beautiful end result is worth it.

Mike spends between 15 and 20 hours a week tending to his garden, which he has been working on since 2019. His future plans include building a patio to accommodate even more plants. He and Jasmine chose their home for its one acre garden, giving their three Shih Tzu dogs plenty of room to run around.

Starting from scratch, Mike and Jasmine cleared out the overgrown garden with a mini digger. His love for plants was sparked when his parents gave him a banana plant as a birthday present. He has since grown his collection by taking cuttings from his existing plants and even bringing some indoors during the winter to ensure their survival.

Mike also hosts open gardens to sell and swap plants with others in his community, proudly sharing his passion for gardening. He admits that it can be tedious and tiring, but the compliments and appreciation from others make it all worth it. Despite the challenges, Mike remains determined to protect his beloved garden and maintain its beauty.

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