Alan Wake 2 gets reviewed, Spider-Man 2 has gameplay time revealed, and Baldur's Gate 3 gets praised.

Reader questions if hidden conflict exists among PlayStation execs over Titanfall 2.

October 27th 2023.

Alan Wake 2 gets reviewed, Spider-Man 2 has gameplay time revealed, and Baldur's Gate 3 gets praised.
Alan Wake 2 has been the subject of much debate over the last few weeks. Many have cast their opinion on the game, with some praising it for its inventive story and others claiming it isn't worth the price tag. Marcus, one reader of the Friday letters page, is still unsure on whether the game is worth his time.

He understands that reviews are subjective to the person writing them, and that it's impossible to please everyone. He appreciates the fact that GC often uses the full 10 point scale for their reviews, and isn't afraid to score games lower than 7. Marcus believes that some reviews are too close in their opinion with GC's but end up wimping out on the score. He suspects that Alan Wake 2 will turn up in the Black Friday sales, and will try it then.

The discussion has now moved on to the rumours of Sony developers rebelling against the idea of live service games. Golem, another reader, is wondering if this is the reason why Jim Ryan left his position or is Connie Booth simply being blamed for something she had nothing to do with. He is intrigued by the goings on in Sony HQ and may write a Reader's Feature about it if more information comes to light.

Brontoburger's letter yesterday has caused speculation around the Nintendo Switch 2. The original Switch reveal trailer had been taken down from all official YouTube channels, leading to theories that the Switch 2 will be backwards compatible and be revealed alongside Tears of the Kingdom. GC believes it's more likely that the music licensing rights in the trailer had expired.

Finally, Kris has been confused by the recent discussions on games as value for money. He believes that cost per hour of gameplay is one of the most objective metrics to use, and suggests that an eagerness to focus purely on headline cost is overly negative. He believes it could lead to a pressure of games that are simpler to produce or less of a risk, which could limit the diversity in gaming.

Mark Matthews has been unimpressed with Game Pass. He can't quite put his finger on the reason why but he believes it's either missing the dopamine hit of buying a game or there's too much choice but not enough of interest to him.

Finally, Baldur's Gate 3 is getting close to being Baldurborne's favourite game ever. He appreciates the nature vs. nurture debate that comes with choices and the consequences that come with them. He believes the game works so well because the entire game around it is excellent, with believable characters who demand choices of you that are hard to make.
Alan Wake 2 has sparked a wide array of opinions among gamers and critics alike. GC's review brought up some interesting points that left even the most avid fans of the original unsure if Alan Wake 2 is worth getting.

The review was honest and comprehensive which is why it sparked so much discussion. It is evident that even with a 10 point rating scale, there will never be 100% agreement. While Alan Wake 2 may not be the game for everyone, it is important to recognize that it takes a lot of courage and skill to be able to objectively rate a game.

The discussion on secret wars among PlayStation execs is also an interesting topic. The rumors about Sony developers rebelling against the idea of live service games is worrying and it only adds to the suspicion that something important is happening behind closed doors.

In terms of value for money, the debate between Spider-Man 2 and Super Mario Bros. Wonder is a good example of how subjective this topic is. However, we can look at the cost per hour of gameplay as an objective metric. This metric shows that Spider-Man 2 would be 'as good value' as Mario Wonder if it cost roughly £80.

Lastly, it is important to recognize the diversity in approach when it comes to video games. While it is easy to focus on the headline cost, it is important to remember that pressure for games that are simpler to produce or less of a risk could limit this diversity.

It is clear that there are a lot of opinions when it comes to video games. People have different preferences and that is what makes gaming so enjoyable.

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