Johnny Depp touched down at an antiques centre by helicopter before picking out some unusual items for his London residence.

The actor reminisced about his former friend Jeff Beck while testing various guitars.

March 4th 2023.

Johnny Depp touched down at an antiques centre by helicopter before picking out some unusual items for his London residence.

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He even reportedly mentioned his late friend while trying out guitars

The antiques centre owner is confident that the actor will be back, having said that Depp ‘was really taken with the place’ and ‘enjoyed himself’.

Miller added: ‘He made it quite clear that he wanted to come back and he wanted to come back soon.’

It looks like Depp is well on his way to making London his new home, and the antiques centre owner believes the actor will be back soon, having enjoyed his first visit to the place and apparently mentioning his late friend Beck while testing out the guitars.

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The antiques owner believes Depp will be back soon

He added that he believes Depp will be back soon for more purchases, as he ‘wasn’t done with his shopping’.

‘He said he’d be back when the crowds die down a bit, so I think he’ll be back in the future,’ he said.

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