14 people were rescued but the chief officer died in a mine accident in Rajasthan.

A senior officer at Hindustan Copper Limited died in a lift collapse at a mine in Rajasthan, with 14 others rescued and 15 trapped at a depth of 1,875 ft.

May 15th 2024.

14 people were rescued but the chief officer died in a mine accident in Rajasthan.
Tragedy struck at the Kolihan mine in Rajasthan's Neem Ka Thana district as a lift collapsed, resulting in the death of a senior vigilance officer at Hindustan Copper Limited. According to officials, a total of 15 employees, including vigilance officers and workers, were trapped at a depth of 1,875 ft in the mine after the lift malfunctioned.

Fortunately, after a daring rescue operation, 14 of the trapped individuals were safely brought to the surface on Wednesday. However, the unfortunate 15th person, identified as Chief Vigilance Officer Upendra Pandey, could not be saved despite the best efforts of the rescue team. Superintendent of Police Praveen Nayak confirmed the sad news, expressing his condolences to the family and colleagues of the deceased.

SP Nayak also mentioned that the injured individuals were immediately taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. Some of them were later transferred to Manipal Hospital in Jaipur for further medical care. The identity and condition of the injured individuals were yet to be disclosed.

The accident occurred on Tuesday when the Vigilance team, along with the Chief of Khetri Copper Corporation, were exploring the mines. The unfortunate incident took place as they were exiting the mine at around 8:10 pm. It was reported that the chain of the lift broke, causing it to collapse and trapping the individuals inside. The Vigilance team had travelled all the way from Kolkata, while the senior officials of Khetri Copper Corporation were also present in the ill-fated lift.

More details about the incident were awaited as the authorities conducted their investigation. The entire team at Hindustan Copper Limited was deeply saddened by the loss of their colleague and friend, Chief Vigilance Officer Upendra Pandey. His body was transported to the Neem Ka Thana hospital, where an official announcement regarding his passing would be made soon. Our hearts go out to the family and loved ones of the deceased during this difficult time.

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