Adele confirms marriage to Rich Paul.

They've been the focus of much curiosity.

November 20th 2023.

Adele confirms marriage to Rich Paul.
Adele and Rich Paul's relationship has been the source of much speculation over the last few months. Now, it seems that the rumours have been put to rest. According to reports, Adele has confirmed that she and Rich are married.

The news was revealed at best friend Alan Carr's stand-up show in Los Angeles. According to two audience members, Alan asked if anyone had recently gotten married, to which Adele replied 'I did'. Adele was said to be having the best time at the show, with her security coming over only to bring her snacks.

The news was further corroborated by a screenshot of messages shared on X. In the conversation, the fan's partner wrote that Adele had made the statement 'pretty seriously'.

Rich Paul has added to the confirmation with his interview with Gayle King on CBS Mornings. When asked if she could refer to Adele as 'Mrs Paul' next time she saw her, Rich coyly replied 'You can say whatever you want'.

It seems that Adele has been keeping her fans guessing for some time. In a video on TikTok, she referred to Rich as her 'husband' when chatting to a fan who asked to marry her. She responded 'You can't marry me, I'm straight, my love. And my husband's here tonight.'

Adele and Rich Paul's romance has finally been confirmed, much to the delight of their fans. The Agency has contacted Adele's reps for comment.

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