A webinar on mental health will be held on Jan. 31 for HBCU students.

A free webinar for HBCU students on January 31 will discuss self-care, goal setting, and positive visualization for mental health.

January 29th 2024.

A webinar on mental health will be held on Jan. 31 for HBCU students.
As a college student, it can be overwhelming to juggle classes, maintain a social life, listen to endless relationship podcasts, and strive towards personal goals. It's no surprise that all of these responsibilities can take a toll on our emotional well-being. However, organizations like UNCF and The Steve Fund are stepping up to address this issue by hosting a "New Year, New Me" mental health awareness webinar on January 31st for students attending historically Black colleges and universities.

The webinar, titled "Taking Care of the 'Me' in Mental Health," aims to provide students with practical tools for setting goals, practicing positive visualization, and prioritizing self-care. With the help of UNCF's Institute for Capacity Building and The Steve Fund, students will have the opportunity to create personalized vision boards that inspire them to improve their mental well-being and work towards a brighter future.

UNCF established its Institute for Capacity Building in 2006, with the goal of providing support and technical assistance to 42 HBCUs and Predominantly Black Institutions. The organization strives to promote student success, advance communities, and fight for educational equity and racial justice.

The Steve Fund is another leading organization that focuses on supporting the mental health and emotional well-being of young people of color. Through workshops, seminars, workforce initiatives, and higher education consulting, the fund aims to build understanding and provide resources to those in need.

Recent research from the American Heart Association has revealed that the effects of stress during teenage and adolescent years can have lasting impacts well into adulthood. This includes an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and obesity. In light of these findings, the AHA offers tips for teens to reduce stress and for parents to support their children who may be struggling with mental health concerns.

The Steve Fund also emphasizes the importance of breaking the stigma surrounding mental health. They encourage individuals to ask for help, be mindful of the language they use, speak up, and avoid isolating themselves. The virtual event will take place on Wednesday, January 31st at 6:00 p.m. EST and interested students can register through the provided link.

In related news, Howard University has recently partnered with the True Voice app to prioritize students' mental health. It's encouraging to see organizations and universities recognizing the importance of mental health and taking action to support students in need. Let's continue to prioritize our well-being and break the stigma surrounding mental health.

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