You got a place in the London Marathon - what now?

Excitement and anxiety equal parts in our anticipation.

July 6th 2023.

You got a place in the London Marathon - what now?
If you're one of the 500,000 London Marathon ballot entrants who managed to secure a place for the 2024 race, you're probably freaking out right now. I'm in the same boat and I'm running the marathon for Samaritans. It's an amazing cause and I'm determined to give it my all, but I'm scared of not being able to run 26.2 miles.

That's why I've been taking advice from Sean Willers, an online fitness and nutrition coach and founder of Willers Fitness. He's run multiple marathons and has some great tips on how to get started. He says the average time needed to train for a marathon is four months.

The first and most important step towards starting marathon training is to get a good pair of trainers. They need to be comfortable and help prevent injuries. Sean recommends the Nike Vaporfly 3s which he uses for his longer runs. You should also start getting some runs in now, even if you're not quite ready to dive into training yet. Sean suggests training for a marathon for a minimum of 16 weeks and to increase your mileage gradually. He also recommends strength training, maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, listening to your body, cross-training, prioritising good sleep, and participating in shorter races for practice.

On top of this, it's important to stay positive and set realistic goals to keep you motivated. Don't compare yourself to others and enjoy the journey. Celebrate your progress and listen to your body. You should also consider incorporating other forms of exercise, such as swimming, cycling or yoga, into your routine and don't forget about strength training. Maintaining a consistent hydration and fueling strategy is also essential. In-race refuelling is key for longer races like half and full marathons. Finally, have a pacing strategy in place for race day.

These tips should help you take those first sweaty steps towards smashing the London Marathon next year. Good luck!

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