A scary Netflix movie is causing real-life injuries, shocking viewers.

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July 17th 2024.

A scary Netflix movie is causing real-life injuries, shocking viewers.
Netflix has no shortage of movies to choose from, but there is one particular horror film that has been causing quite a stir among viewers. This hidden gem, known as Incantation, has been described as "traumatizing" and "scary to death" by those who have experienced its chilling story. Released as a Netflix original in 2022, Incantation has managed to fly under the radar but has garnered high praise from those who have sought it out.

This Taiwanese film, directed by Kevin Ko, follows the story of Li Ronan, a mother who becomes cursed after breaking a religious taboo while pregnant six years ago. Now, she must protect her daughter Dodo, who has spent time in foster care, from the consequences of her past actions. As she tries to bond with her daughter, Ronan enlists the help of the audience by encouraging them to pray along with her for protection.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the film is its non-linear storytelling, which adds to the overall sense of mystery and confusion. And while the film may have been released on Netflix in July, its popularity exploded thanks to a TikTok user's challenge to watch the movie without skipping a scene, experiencing a jump scare, or looking away. The video has now amassed over 14.8 million views, with viewers sharing their reactions and experiences.

The reactions to Incantation have been varied, with some viewers admitting they were unable to finish the film and others giving it a perfect score. Many have also shared their physical reactions, such as dropping their phone or even injuring themselves in the midst of a jump scare. It's clear that this film has a strong impact on its audience.

Interestingly, Incantation is based on a real incident of mass hysteria that occurred in Taiwan in 2005. A family of six claimed to have been possessed by Chinese folk deities and turned on each other in a violent attempt to dispel the supposed demons. This real-life event adds an extra layer of horror to the already chilling film.

With a 75% score on Rotten Tomatoes and a confirmed sequel in the works, Incantation has solidified its place as one of the best horror films of the year. Fans can continue to stream the movie exclusively on Netflix and experience the terror for themselves. If you have a celebrity story, video, or pictures to share, don't hesitate to reach out to the entertainment team at The Agency. We'd love to hear from you.

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