Author creates children's books to educate kids on how to stand up to corporate bullying.

Workplace intimidation and aggression is a serious issue.

August 24th 2023.

Author creates children's books to educate kids on how to stand up to corporate bullying.
Alvarys Santana, a corporate mid-level management leader, is taking a stand against corporate bullying with her children’s books. Through her indie publishing house and virtual bookstore, ASC Books, Santana is working to create a platform to provide a voice to those who are underrepresented.

“Corporate bullies are real, that’s why I aim to teach children early about differences and how to respect and appreciate them," Santana said, according to Black News. Her books portray Black, Brown, and Indigenous characters to help foster inclusivity and appreciation for diversity.

As a mother of two, Santana knows how important it is to instill these values in young minds. Through her books, she hopes to normalize the representation of minorities in media and literature. She has also released flashcards to promote inclusion and acceptance.

In addition to her books, Santana is working on a series about the effects of artificial intelligence. She said, “Your brain is unique to you, and it is capable of generating creative and original thoughts that no AI algorithm can ever replicate.”

ASC Books also offers workshops and seminars to help aspiring authors self-publish. Furthermore, youth in the community are invited to participate in free workshops to build their writing and educational skills. Santana’s books are available on Amazon,, and the ASC website.

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