10-year-old boy severely burned after bug spray can explodes in fire pit.

A boy in Virginia was injured when a can of bug spray thrown into a fire pit by another child exploded at a party.

June 24th 2024.

10-year-old boy severely burned after bug spray can explodes in fire pit.
Joey Kirk and his family were attending a party in a garden when the unimaginable happened. A group of children were playing around a fire pit, tossing in objects and watching them burn. Suddenly, one of the children threw in a can of insect spray, not realizing the potential danger. The can exploded, engulfing 10-year-old Joey in flames.

His mother, Kayla Morgans, was inside the house at the time and heard the commotion. She ran outside to find chaos and panic as the adults realized what had happened. Joey had been sitting just a few feet away from the fire pit and was now unrecognizable, with burns on his face, neck, and ear.

Frantically, they called 911 and Joey was airlifted to Children's National Hospital in Washington, DC. The images of her son's charred face and the terror she felt in that moment will forever be etched in Kayla's mind. But thankfully, due to the quick actions of a family friend who smothered the flames, Joey survived.

However, his road to recovery was not easy. Joey had burns on 12% of his body, which is considered severe. He spent a week in the hospital, with doctors monitoring him closely as he struggled to breathe on his own. He had sustained burns to his face and hands, which could have potentially damaged his throat and oesophagus. But thanks to the skill and care of the hospital's burns team, Joey made a full recovery.

He was discharged from the hospital after a week, but the effects of the incident will stay with him for a lifetime. Joey has scars on his neck and ear, and must constantly wear sunscreen to protect his sensitive skin. His mother, Kayla, is grateful for the hospital's amazing team and the fact that her son is still here with her today.

Since the incident, Kayla has made it her mission to spread awareness about the dangers of flammable products near fire pits. She admits that she was aware of the potential for cans to explode, but never thought to warn her children about it. Now, she wants to make sure that other families are aware of this danger and can prevent a similar tragedy from happening to their loved ones.

Kayla and Joey's story is a reminder to always be cautious around fire pits and to educate our children about the potential dangers of flammable products. They are grateful for the support and care they received during this difficult time and are thankful for the full recovery that Joey has made.

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