Hollyoaks reveals big secret about Jeremy Blake, but Sienna has no idea.

It appears that Patrick is not so different after all.

June 24th 2024.

Hollyoaks reveals big secret about Jeremy Blake, but Sienna has no idea.
Patrick had a big secret that he was keeping to himself. It was causing him a lot of stress and he wasn't sure how to handle it. In the latest episode of Hollyoaks, which is now available to watch on Channel 4 streaming, we finally got some insight into what that secret might be. But things are never as simple as they seem in the eponymous village.

Jeremy Blake, who bears a striking resemblance to the deceased Patrick, arrived in Hollyoaks last week. He had a chance encounter with Dilly Harcourt, who was convinced she was seeing her dead father. But a trip to the hospital with Jeremy proved that he was very much alive and real. This was a shock to Sienna, who was also struck by the uncanny resemblance to her father.

It turns out that Jeremy is Patrick's estranged brother, having lost touch with him many years ago. Sienna, fearing that Jeremy may have inherited some of Patrick's twisted nature, insisted that he keep his distance. She even warned her sister Dilly to stay away from him. But Dilly, being the free spirit that she is, ignored her sister's wishes and invited Jeremy to stay with them at Oakdale Drive once he was discharged from the hospital.

Sienna was not happy with this arrangement and pleaded with her sister to reconsider. But things got even more complicated when Sienna found what she believed to be a weapon in Jeremy's bag. However, Jeremy had a perfectly reasonable explanation for it. He was not like his manipulative twin brother and the so-called weapon was actually just a gardening tool. Sienna felt bad for jumping to conclusions and invited Jeremy to stay the night at their flat.

Jeremy was grateful for the invitation and took Sienna up on it. But he was very secretive about his tattoo, which Sienna happened to catch a glimpse of when she went to grab a drink for the twins. The tattoo had the date "20.08.84" and it left Sienna wondering what it could possibly mean. Why was Jeremy hiding it from her? And why was he so vague about his falling out with Patrick?

There were definitely more layers to this story than what was initially revealed. Jeremy was careful to make sure Sienna didn't see his tattoo, which makes us wonder if it has some significance to her. Could it be a date that holds meaning for her? And what really caused the rift between the brothers? As always, there's more to this story than meets the eye.

Hollyoaks airs weeknights at 7:30pm on Channel 4's streaming platform, with new episodes airing at 7pm on E4. If you have any soap or TV related stories, videos, or pictures, feel free to email us - we'd love to hear from you. And don't forget to leave a comment below and stay updated with all things soap on our homepage.

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